July 31, 2023 to August 4, 2023
America/Chicago timezone

Towards hadronic $D$ decays at the SU(3) flavour symmetric point

Aug 3, 2023, 2:50 PM
Hornets' Nest (WH8X)

Hornets' Nest



Maxwell Hansen


We present progress towards extracting multi-hadron $D$ decay amplitudes, such as $D \to \pi \pi$, in a pilot study using three ensembles of stabilised Wilson fermions at the SU(3) flavour symmetric point, with $M_\pi = 410$ MeV. As the three ensembles differ only in the lattice spacing, with well matched physical volumes, it is possible to perform a continuum limit for finite-volume energies (and eventually weak-decay matrix elements) at fixed physical volume. The talk will summarise the work-flow and challenges of the ongoing calculation with a focus on results for the $a^2$-dependence and continuum limit of the two-to-two pseudoscalar S-wave scattering amplitude, determined via the GEVP+Lüscher approach in an exact distillation setup implemented in the Grid and Hadrons software libraries.

Topical area Quark and Lepton Flavor Physics

Primary authors

Antonin Portelli (University of Edinburgh) Fabian Joswig (University of Edinburgh) Maxwell Hansen Felix Erben Nelson Pitanga Lachini (University of Edinburgh) SRIJIT PAUL (The Cyprus Institute)

Presentation materials