December 11, 2023
America/Chicago timezone

P5 (Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel) makes recommendations on the next 10 years of the US particle physics program within the 20 year context to HEPAP, which advises DOE and NSF. It builds on the extensive community involvement in the Snowmass study.

This hybrid town hall meeting hosted jointly by DPF and Fermilab to discuss the P5 report will be held on Monday, December  11, 2023 1:00-6:00 pm Central time in Wilson Hall at Fermilab. The program will feature a presentation by P5 Chairs, Hitoshi Murayama and Karsten Heeger, followed by a Q&A session with the panel members, and a community reception. We also expect to hear short remarks from representatives of the funding agencies.

The recording of this town hall is available here.

Photographs taken during the town hall are available here.

The draft P5 report itself is available at:

We encourage all members of the community to participate in this town hall, either in person or virtually. There is no fee, but registration is required and we ask you to register as soon as possible. More details about the process are available under “Registration” and “Site Access” tabs.

Please submit questions about the P5 report that you would like discussed at the Town Hall via this Google doc, which will open on Dec. 8. We recommend submitting questions before the Town Hall itself. However, the document will stay open and be monitored during the event as well.

While currently we don't know the details of the upcoming report, we trust that our P5 colleagues will provide a roadmap for a strong U.S. high-energy physics program for the coming decade that balances the different scientific priorities within budgetary constraints, and will provide a basis for a healthy program for U.S. leadership and global partnership for the next 10 years and beyond. We will be in touch by mid-December with a statement of support for the P5 report which we will ask you to consider signing.


Ramsey Auditorium (Wilson Hall)
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Kirk Road & Pine Street Batavia, IL 60510

For any questions, please email