11 December 2023
America/Chicago timezone

Fermilab Community Standard Agreement

All attendees must read and agree to the Fermilab Community Standard Agreement

Fermilab’s status as a world-class, scientific-research destination and its reputation as an institution of choice requires a community that promotes professionalism, mutual respect, inclusion and that is free from discrimination. Fermilab welcomes a diverse populace with varying backgrounds and experiences including international members. Fermilab expects that all community members commit to the same high standards of ethics and behavior.


The purpose of this Statement of Community Standards is to establish and communicate the set of expectations that all members of the Fermilab community shall follow. Disruptive or harassing behavior shall not be tolerated regardless of race, color, religion, disability, age, gender, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, and/or nationality.


This Statement applies to all members of the Fermilab community: employees, users, subcontractors, visitors, and guests.

These expectations apply for all interactions including but not limited to:

  • on the Fermilab site, including the Village;
  • at Fermilab installations or Fermilab-supported events that are off-site, including Sanford Lab in South Dakota, CERN, and off-site conferences;
  • online within the Fermilab domain; and
  • when representing or associated with Fermilab off-site or online, including in-person interactions and on social media.


The responsibility for proactively facilitating a safe and welcoming environment -- including voicing concerns -- rests with each individual member of the Fermilab community. Leading by example, line management, beginning with the lab director, shall hold themselves and their teams accountable.

The following basic principles apply to all members of the Fermilab community:

1. Build trust and credibility

Fermilab’s success depends on the trust and confidence we develop with one another and with our stakeholders and partners including the U.S. Department of Energy, the American public, and the global scientific community. As we engage in business on behalf of the Laboratory, we each are ambassadors of Fermilab.

Fermilab’s reputation is determined by our words and our actions. We gain credibility by fulfilling on our commitments and, when appropriate, acknowledging when we will not and taking responsibility for the consequences.

2. Communicate openly and honestly

Every member of the Fermilab community is welcome, and each encouraged to communicate their ideas and/or concerns. We seek to promote open communication which emphasizes listening, creativity, growth and development, collaboration, and inclusivity. This culture encourages respectful discussion and debate for mutual benefit.

3. Respect one another

Members of the Fermilab community shall be able to work in a safe and welcoming environment where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. Peer-to-peer or supervisory relationships that interfere with an individual’s research or work performance, limit access to educational experiences and career opportunities, or adversely impact an individual’s well-being are unacceptable.

Mutual respect is developed by:

  • Valuing others and their points of view including those who don’t easily find their voice.
  • Being open to correction.
  • Recognizing the skills and expertise of others in the Fermilab community.
  • Sharing the credit.
  • Being courteous.
  • Welcoming new perspectives and ideas.
  • Continuing to grow and develop and helping others to grow and develop.

How to report violations

All members of the Fermilab community are responsible for reporting violations of applicable policies, ethical standards, contractual requirements or laws. You are encouraged to raise concerns about any violation of this Statement of Community Standards.

Confidentiality shall be maintained and reporting should proceed without fear of harassment or retribution. Contact your human resource partner at 630-840-4669, or report via the Fermilab Action Line at 630-840-4000.

Fermilab leadership is committed to addressing all incidents promptly and thoroughly. Violations can result in disciplinary action up to and/or including termination of employment, contract and/or site-access privileges.

Revised April 2019.