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16–21 Sep 2024
Argonne National Laboratory
US/Central timezone

Machine Learning-Assisted Unfolding for Neutrino Cross-section Measurements

20 Sep 2024, 14:09
Auditorium (#402)



Talk: in-person WG2: Neutrino Scattering Physics Parallel: WG2


Andrew Cudd (University of Colorado Boulder)


The choice of unfolding method for a cross-section measurement is tightly coupled to the model dependence of the efficiency correction and the overall impact of cross-section modeling uncertainties in the analysis. A key issue is the dimensionality used, as the kinematics of all outgoing particles in an event typically affects the reconstruction performance in a neutrino detector. OmniFold is an unfolding method that iteratively reweights a simulated dataset using machine learning to utilize arbitrarily high-dimensional information that has previously been applied to collider and cosmology datasets. Here, we demonstrate its use for neutrino physics using a public T2K near detector simulated dataset, and show its performance is comparable to or better than traditional approaches using a series of mock data sets.

Working Group WG 2: Neutrino Scattering Physics

Primary authors

Andrew Cudd (University of Colorado Boulder) Benjamin Nachman (LBNL) Callum Wilkinson (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Masaki Kawaue (Kyoto University) Roger Huang (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

Presentation materials