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Sep 16 – 21, 2024
Argonne National Laboratory
US/Central timezone

Plenary Talks

Preliminary Plenary Program for NuFact 2024
Keynote from Fermilab Director Lia Merminga
Theory Keynote
Overview of nu Cross section results
J-PARC accelerator plans and schedule
Fermilab accelerator plans and schedule
Muon CLFV and g-2 theories
Muon CLFV and g-2 experiments
ESSnuSB status
DUNE status
Hyper-K status
Overview and Status of Near Detector Technologies
Short-Baseline Accelerator experiments
Muon collider R&D
NOvA and T2K/NOvA joint
T2K and T2K/SuperK joint
Coherent neutrino experiments
Overview of BSM in the neutrino sector
Ice-Cube and other atmo nu
Neutrino Cross Section Theory
Computing challenges and advancements in HEP
First MEG-II result
Oscillation theory and future
Neutrino mass from beta decay, double beta decay and cosmology experiments
Neutrino-related activities at CERN; ProtoDUNE, FASER, SHiP, etc.
JUNO status
High power targetry for Multi-MW beams
Results from MicroBooNE
Gender and Physics within Europe
Outreach activity using particle detectors and development of communities
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Physics