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16–21 Sep 2024
Argonne National Laboratory
US/Central timezone

Probing self-interacting sterile neutrino dark matter with the diffuse supernova neutrino background

17 Sep 2024, 14:05
E1100 (#402)



Talk: remote WG5: Neutrino Beyond PMNS Parallel: WG5


Anna Suliga (UC, Berkeley and U. of Wiscosin)


The neutrinos in the diffuse supernova neutrino background (DSNB) travel over cosmological distances and this provides them with an excellent opportunity to interact with dark relics. We show that a cosmologically-significant relic population of keV-mass sterile neutrinos with strong self-interactions could imprint their presence in the DSNB. The signatures of the self-interactions would be ``dips" in the otherwise smooth DSNB spectrum. Upcoming large-scale neutrino detectors, for example Hyper-Kamiokande, have a good chance of detecting the DSNB and these dips. If no dips are detected, this method serves as an independent constraint on the sterile neutrino self-interaction strength and mixing with active neutrinos. We show that relic sterile neutrino parameters that evade X-ray and structure bounds may nevertheless be testable by future detectors like TRISTAN, but may also produce dips in the DSNB which could be detectable. Such a detection would suggest the existence of a cosmologically-significant, strongly self-interacting sterile neutrino background, likely embedded in a richer dark sector.

Working Group WG 5: Neutrinos Beyond PMNS

Primary author

Anna Suliga (UC, Berkeley and U. of Wiscosin)


Anupam Ray (Tata Institute of Fundamental Reasearch) George Fuller (UCSD) Baha Balantekin (University of Wisconsin)

Presentation materials