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16–21 Sep 2024
Argonne National Laboratory
US/Central timezone

The ENUBET monitored neutrino beam and its implementation at CERN

17 Sep 2024, 13:45
B4100 (#401)



Talk: remote WG3: Accelerator Physics Parallel: WG3


Leon Halić (Ruđer Bošković Institute (Zagreb))


The ENUBET project recently concluded the R&D for a site independent design of a monitored neutrino beam for high precision cross section measurements, in which the neutrino flux is inferred from the measurement of charged leptons in an instrumented decay tunnel. In this phase three fundamental results were obtained and will be discussed in this talk: 1) a beamline not requiring a horn and relying on static focusing elements allows to perform a $\nu_e$ cross section measurement in the DUNE energy range with 1% statistical uncertainty employing 10$^{20}$ 400 GeV protons on target (pot) and a moderate mass neutrino detector of the size of protoDUNE; 2) the instrumentation of the decay tunnel, based on a cost effective sampling calorimeter solution, has been tested with a large scale prototype achieving the performance required to identify positrons and muons from kaon decays with high signal-to-noise ratio; 3) the systematics budget on the neutrino flux is constrained at the 1% level by fitting the charged leptons observables measured in the decay tunnel.
Based on these successful results ENUBET is now pursuing a study for a site dependent implementation at CERN in the framework of Physics Beyond Colliders. In this context a new beamline, able to enrich the neutrino flux at the energy of HK and to reduce by more than a factor 3 the needed pot, has been designed and is being optimized. The civil engineering and radioprotection studies for the siting of ENUBET in the North Area towards the two protoDUNEs are also in the scope of this work, with the goal of proposing a neutrino cross section experiment in 2026. The combined use of both the neutrino detectors and of the improved beamline would allow to perform cross section measurements with unprecedented precision in about 5 years with a proton request compatible with the needs of other users after CERN Long Shutdown 3. An update on the status of these studies and future plans will be presented.

Working Group WG 2: Neutrino Scattering Physics

Primary authors

Fabio Pupilli (INFN-Padova) Leon Halić (Ruđer Bošković Institute (Zagreb))

Presentation materials