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16–21 Sep 2024
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Signatures of light new physics at muon factories

18 Sep 2024, 12:10
E1200 (#402)



Talk: in-person WG4: Muon Physics Parallel: WG4


Tony Menzo (University of Cincinnati)


I will discuss $\mu \rightarrow e$ conversion signatures stemming from light new physics at high-intensity muon experiments. Specifically, I'll focus on the discovery potential and reach of the $\mu \rightarrow 5e$ channel at Mu3e as well as the prospect of 'signal' electrons from muon-induced baryon number violation at Mu2e and COMET.

Working Group WG 4: Muon Physics

Primary authors

Tony Menzo (University of Cincinnati) Patrick Fox (Fermilab) Matheus Hostert (Harvard University) Maxim Pospelov (University of Minnesota) Jure Zupan (U. Cincinnati)

Presentation materials