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16–21 Sep 2024
Argonne National Laboratory
US/Central timezone

Connecting high-scale Leptogenesis with low-scale Dirac CP phase in a LRSM framework

Not scheduled
E1100 (#402)



Talk: in-person WG5: Neutrino Beyond PMNS Parallel: WG5


Mr Utkarsh Patel (Indian Institute of Technology, Bhilai)


We explore the connection between the low-scale CP-violating Dirac phase $(\delta)$ and high-scale leptogenesis in a Left-Right Symmetric Model (LRSM) with scalar bidoublets and doublets. The model's fermion sector includes one sterile neutrino $(S_L)$ per generation, enabling a double seesaw mechanism. This mechanism, performed via type-I seesaw twice, generates a Majorana mass term for heavy right-handed (RH) neutrinos $(N_R)$, with the light neutrino mass linearly dependent on the $S_L$ mass. Assuming charge conjugation ($C$) as the discrete left-right (LR) symmetry helps derive the Dirac neutrino mass matrix ($M_D$) in terms of the light and heavy RH neutrino masses and the light neutrino mixing matrix $U_{PMNS}$ (containing $\delta$). We illustrate the viability of unflavored thermal leptogenesis via the decay of RH neutrinos using the obtained $M_D$ with RH neutrino masses as inputs. Our analysis of the Boltzmann equations shows that the CP-violating Dirac phase alone can produce the required leptonic asymmetry. Importantly, we highlight that current and near-future oscillation experiments, like DUNE, aiming to refine $\delta$, can potentially constrain our model and thus serve as a probe for early Universe leptogenesis indirectly.

Working Group WG 1: Neutrino Oscillation Physics

Primary author

Mr Utkarsh Patel (Indian Institute of Technology, Bhilai)


Mr Pratik Adarsh (Indian Institute of Technology, Bhilai) Dr Sudhanwa Patra (Indian Institute of Technology, Bhilai) Dr Purushottam Sahu (Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay)

Presentation materials

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