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16–21 Sep 2024
Argonne National Laboratory
US/Central timezone

Neutron Stars as a Probe of Cosmic Neutrino Background

17 Sep 2024, 14:45
E1100 (#402)



Talk: remote WG5: Neutrino Beyond PMNS Parallel: WG5


Garv Chauhan (Virginia Tech)


The Cosmic Neutrino Background (C$\nu$B) constitutes the last observable prediction of the standard cosmological model, which has yet to be detected directly. In this talk, I will discuss how the coherent scattering of neutrinos off dense neutron matter can lead to an additional cooling channel in neutron stars (NSs). I will then discuss the prediction of a boosted C$\nu$B flux on Earth from nearby NSs and the potential detection prospects in the case of a future nearby galactic supernova. Finally, I will explore the impact of new physics scenarios such as long-range forces, on NS cooling through the C$\nu$B.

Working Group WG 5: Neutrinos Beyond PMNS

Primary author

Garv Chauhan (Virginia Tech)

Presentation materials