LBNE Far Detector Simulation and Reconstruction Meeting

The Big Room (Fermilab, Building 327)

The Big Room

Fermilab, Building 327

Brian Rebel (Fermilab), Eric Church (Yale), Matthew Szydagis (UC Davis), Michael Kirby (FNAL), Thomas Junk (Fermilab)
At this meeting we will discuss the current state of LBNE Far Detector simulation and reconstruction software tools, how to use them, and how to develop new ones. We will discuss strategy for the upcoming DOE review in May. This meeting is an extension of the LBNE collaboration meeting held from February 2-4 at Fermilab. Time is reserved for software demonstrations and hands-on development.
ReadyTalk connection: Phone: +1 866 740-1260.
Meeting ID: 3872183
Web meeting access -- shared desktops and international phone numbers: