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20–24 Aug 2017
US/Eastern timezone

For Authors

Pre-press Proceedings

Please note that only papers and presentations processed as of Thursday, 23 August are included in the pre-press proceedings.

Paper Preparation and Submission

The deadline for the receipt of contributions to the Proceedings of IBIC 17 is:

Tuesday, 15 August 2017, 24:00 East Lansing, MI USA EST (GMT-5)

The successful processing of all contributions during the conference depends heavily on the collaboration of all authors. It is very important that the contributions are submitted ahead of the conference such that the papers can be processed by the editorial team and any problems can be analyzed and then discussed with authors at the conference.

Paper preparation guidelines

When preparing your paper, you are recommended to use the templates provided in the For Authors section on the JACoW web site and follow the instruction given in them. You will also find some basic requirements for the preparation of contributions here: Guideline for paper preparation

Papers for poster presentations may be up to 4 pages long; only invited oral presentations may be up to 7 pages. If contributions contain numerous references, these may be carried over to an extra page.

Authors are reminded that no contributions are accepted for publication only. Any paper accepted for presentation and not presented by one of the authors at the conference will be excluded from the proceedings.

Furthermore, the Scientific Program Committee reserves the right to refuse papers for publication that have not been properly presented in the poster sessions. Manuscripts of contributions to the proceedings (or enlargements of them) are not considered to be posters, and papers presented in this way will not be accepted for publication.

Submission of Electronic Files

Once the contribution has been prepared using the appropriate template according to the paper preparation guidelines, the author should submit a PDF made from this document (please make sure the fonts are embedded into the PDF file), the source file and all illustrations in its native format named according to the paper’s program code.   For example, for paper MOPP001, the following files should be uploaded:

A PDF made from the paper:

  • MOPP001.pdf – only if you do not have the possibility to generate a PDF, you may submit a PS file instead

Source files:

  • MOPP001.doc – the WORD source file, or
  • MOPP001.tex – the LaTeX source file, if LaTeX was used, or
  • MOPP001.odt – the source file, if OOo was used


  • MOPP001f1.eps – EPS file containing figure 1
  • MOPP001f2.tif – TIFF file containing figure 2
  • etc...

Once all files are ready for submission, login to your author account via, choose the paper you are working on and click on the file Upload link. Then upload all the requested properly named files.

Papers will be processed by the editorial team starting during the week before the conference. Authors will receive a mail indicating the status (accepted, request for proof-reading or in some re-submission of a new version) of their paper after processing and can also retrieve this information after login to the author account or, during the conference, from the paper status board installed near the author reception room.

Poster Presentations

Poster Set Up:

Posters should be legible from a distance. The title of the poster (identical to the Paper, name(s) of author(s) and institution should be on the poster.

We recommend that authors bring with them copies of a printed summary of their paper for distribution among interested participants.

The area available for your poster has width 4 feet (122 cm) and height 4 feet (122 cm).

Mounting Material:

Poster mounting material will be provided by the conference.

Poster Presentation:

Authors are reminded that no contribution is accepted for publication only. Any paper that is not presented at the conference will be excluded from the proceedings. The Scientific Program Committee reserves the right to refuse papers for publication that have not been properly presented or staffed in the poster sessions. Manuscripts of contributions to the proceedings (or enlargements of them) are not considered to be posters, and papers presented in this way will not be accepted for publication.

Speaker Guidelines

There are 20-minute oral presentations, 30-minute oral presentations.

If you will be giving a 20-minute talk, you should allow 3 minutes for discussion within this allotted time. A 30-minute talk includes 5 minutes for discussion within the allocated time.

A Preview/Testing Area (also called “Speaker Ready Room”) is available for speakers.

Speakers must upload their presentation to the IBIC 17 SPMS server following the instruction below. Use of individual laptops cannot be accommodated. The deadline for presentation upload is at 15:00 on the day before your talk. Accepted formats are Microsoft PowerPoint and Adobe PDF.

Slide Size: Please note that 16:9 presentations will be allowed. With 4:3 presentations there will be black columns on each side of the screen.

Any special requirements concerning visual aids should be addressed to the local organizers at well in advance of the conference.

Before the Conference starts
Please upload your electronic presentation to the IBIC 17 SPMS server as early as possible but at the latest by 15:00 on the day before the presentation. Name the file with the program code and «_talk» (for example MO104_talk.ppt) and then upload in the same way as for papers through your LINAC 16 profile. You can find the program code assigned to your presentation when logging into the IBIC 17 SPMS server.

Note that the computers used for the presentations will be PCs running Windows. There will be no possibility for authors to use their own computers and if this will cause you problems, please contact as soon as possible.

At the Conference
Those speakers who have not uploaded their files in advance should either upload from the venue, or deliver them (PowerPoint, PDF) to the Preview/Testing Area at least one day in advance. Here the presentations can be checked and uploaded to the IBIC 17 SPMS server.

Before your session, please check that everything has been loaded correctly. Slides that have been successfully captured will be published via the conference website on the day of the presentation. Please be advised that by giving your talk you automatically agree to its online publication via on the JACoW website.

Official opening hours of the Preview/Testing Area (Speaker Ready Room):

  • Monday 08:00 – 17:00
  • Tuesday 08:00 – 17:00
  • Wednesday 08:00 – 17:00
  • Thursday 08:00 – 12:30

If you encounter any problems, please contact or the Speaker Ready Room staff at the conference.

During the Presentation
The Session Chair or Scientific Secretary on the podium will help you with your presentation. Please contact them just before the session in which your talk starts.

On the podium you will be presented with a laptop displaying your presentation, a laser pointer and a wireless device to control your presentation. The remaining time of your talk will be displayed on a small timer located on the podium. Please do not hesitate to contact for further clarifications.

Information about visas for international travel to the conference is available at this page.