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20–24 Aug 2017
US/Eastern timezone


Local Organizing Committee
Steven Lidia (Chair) FRIB
Zhengzheng Liu (SPC Chair) FRIB
Scott Cogan FRIB
Gerlind Kiupel FRIB
Dylan Maxwell FRIB
Amy McCausey FRIB
Rebecca Shane FRIB

Program Committee
Ayhan Aydin Ankara University
Scott Baily LANL
Willem Blokland SNS
Mark Boland ASLS
John Byrd LBL
Nathan Eddy FNAL
Mario Ferianis ELETTRA
Alan Fisher SLAC
Dave Gassner BNL
Ubaldo Iriso ALBA
Andreas Jansson ESS
Rhodri Jones CERN
Kevin Jordan JLAB
Dinakar Kanjilal India
Yongbin Leng SINAP
Steven Lidia (Conference Chair) FRIB
Zhengzheng Liu (PC Chair) FRIB
Sergio Marques LNLS
Toshiyuki Mitsuhashi KEK
Kay Wittenburg DESY
Junhui Yue IHEP/Lanzhou

Information about visas for international travel to the conference is available at this page.

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