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New approach to neutrino masses and leptogenesis with Occam's razor

Not scheduled
Poster session Neutrino Physics Neutrino Physics Session 2


D. Barreiros (CFTP/IST, U. Lisboa)


I will discuss a new Occam’s razor setup in the minimal type-I seesaw framework with maximally-restricted texture-zero Yukawa and mass matrices. In this setup, we include charged-lepton mixing parametrized by a single angle, which is predicted to be very close to the quark Cabibbo angle. In this case, compatibility with normally-ordered neutrino masses (currently preferred by data) is achieved and the atmospheric mixing angle is predicted to lie in the second octant. Furthermore, the observed baryon asymmetry of Universe is successfully generated for a leptogenesis scale of the order of $10^{11}$ GeV, being compatible with vanilla scenarios for Peccei-Quinn axion dark matter where the reheating temperature of the Universe is typically below $10^{12}$ GeV.

Primary authors

D. Barreiros (CFTP/IST, U. Lisboa) F. Joaquim (CFTP/IST,U. Lisboa) T. Yanagida (Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

Presentation materials