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Booster Charge Zero (CGH0) Detector Internal Review




The Proton Source through PIP-II Accelerator Upgrade task is replacing the current CHG0 detector and electronics with a high resolution, large dynamic range, good linearity, and low distortion commercial unit. The main purpose of this replacement is to provide a detector with a higher charge range to accommodate the continued increase in cycle intensity and to provide for a finer resolution and linearity due to the strict requirement for increased acceleration efficiency to the 98% range for PIP-II. This has been requested by the Joint Proton Source Physics Study Task Force as a high priority for continued accelerator studies.

The complete CHG0 system will consist of a commercial Unser-style Current Transformer with control, processing, amplification electronics, a front-end for interfacing to the control system and distribution electronics. The current commercial unit under selection id the Bergoz NPCT-CF6”-96.0-120 UHV with the very high resolution and radiation-resistant with matched interface cable.

It is desired to install the detector in the tunnel and cables to the gallery during the 2021 Summer shutdown. The front-end electronics will be assembled and commissioned post shutdown during FY22. The lead time for the detector means the deter needs to be ordered as soon ad the PIP-II project obtains CD-3A.

Review Committee

1. Paul Derwent

2. David Capista

3. Brian Fellenz