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8–10 Apr 2013
Napa Valley, CA
US/Central timezone


Accelerator Session C

9 Apr 2013, 13:30
Napa Valley, CA

Napa Valley, CA

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Ozhan Turgut (SLAC, Stanford University)
09/04/2013, 13:30
John Cesaratto (SLAC)
09/04/2013, 13:55
Kristin Pollock (SLAC)
09/04/2013, 14:20
Claudio Rivetta (SLAC)
09/04/2013, 15:05
Joseph Calvey (Cornell University)
09/04/2013, 16:00
Ilkyoung Shin (University of Connetticutt)
09/04/2013, 16:30
Ms Subashini De Silva (Old Dominion University)
09/04/2013, 17:00
Building timetable...