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16–21 Sep 2024
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US/Central timezone

The Mu2e experiment

19 Sep 2024, 16:15
E1100 (#402)



Talk: in-person WG4: Muon Physics Parallel: WG4


Andrei Gaponenko (Fermilab)


Mu2e will search for coherent, neutrinoless conversion of muons into electrons in the nucleus field of aluminum with a sensitivity improvement of a factor of 10,000 over existing limits. Probing the charged lepton flavor-violating reaction at such sensitivity may uncover new physics at a scale unreachable by direct searches at current or planned high-energy colliders. The experiment complements and extends the current studies at MEG-II and the LHC. I will present the physics motivation for Mu2e, as well as the design and construction status of the experiment.

Working Group WG 4: Muon Physics

Primary authors

Presentation materials