DongHa Lee
The JSNS2 (J-PARC Sterile Neutrino Search at the J-PARC Spallation NeutronSource) experiment is
searching for neutrino oscillations over a short 24 m baseline with Δm2 near 1 eV square.
We took the long physics runs in 2021,2022,2023 and 2024 with ~40% of approved POT by J-PARC.
We’re doing analysis from those data, and we have a few new results; such as the side-band analysis of the sterile neutrinos search, observation of the carbon and electron-neutrino interacted events, and the KDAR neutrinos measurement. In this presentation, we will show them in detail.
Working Group | WG 3: Accelerator Physics |
Primary author
DongHa Lee