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16–21 Sep 2024
Argonne National Laboratory
US/Central timezone

Latest cross section results from T2K

18 Sep 2024, 11:10
Auditorium (#402)



Invited Talk: in-person WG2: Neutrino Scattering Physics Parallel: WG2


Laura Munteanu (CERN)


T2K is a long-baseline experiment for the measurement of neutrino oscillations. The neutrino flux and neutrino-nucleus cross-sections are measured by a suite of near detectors, including ND280, an off-axis multipurpose magnetised detector, WAGASCI, featuring a water-enriched target at a different off-axis angle, and INGRID an on-axis detector composed of sandwiched layers of iron and scintillator.
The near detectors perform a wide variety of neutrino-nucleus cross-section measurements on different targets and for different final states. Such a program, to control systematic uncertainties for T2K and beyond, provides high-quality data to benchmark improved models of neutrino-nucleus scattering.
Recent T2K cross-section results will be presented.

Working Group WG 2: Neutrino Scattering Physics

Presentation materials