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16–21 Sep 2024
Argonne National Laboratory
US/Central timezone

Constraining long-range interaction using the flavor composition estimates from astrophysical neutrino experiments

17 Sep 2024, 14:25
E1100 (#402)



Talk: remote WG5: Neutrino Beyond PMNS Parallel: WG5


Sudipta Das (Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar)


The discovery of new, flavor-dependent neutrino interactions would provide compelling evidence of physics beyond the Standard Model. We focus on interactions generated by the several anomaly-free, gauged, abelian lepton number symmetries that introduce a new matter potential sourced by electrons and neutrons, potentially impacting neutrino flavor oscillations. We estimate constraints on these interactions that can be placed via the flavor composition of the diffuse flux of high-energy astrophysical neutrinos, with TeV-PeV energies, i.e., the proportion of $\nu_e$, $\nu_\mu$, and $\nu_\tau$ in the flux. Because we consider mediators of these new interactions to be ultra-light, lighter than $10^{-10}$ eV, the interaction range is ultra-long, from km to Gpc, allowing vast numbers of electrons and/or neutrons in celestial bodies and the cosmological matter distribution to contribute to this new potential. We leverage the present-day and future sensitivity of high-energy neutrino telescopes and of oscillation experiments to estimate the constraints that could be placed on the coupling strength of these interactions. We predict that the present flavor composition estimates from IceCube would be unable to put constraints on certain classes of symmetries. Meanwhile, for the other symmetries, the IceCube neutrino telescope demonstrates the potential to constrain flavor-dependent long-range interactions.
We also estimate improvement in the sensitivity due to the next-generation neutrino telescopes.

Working Group WG 5: Neutrinos Beyond PMNS

Primary author

Sudipta Das (Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar)


Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla (Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar)

Presentation materials