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16–21 Sep 2024
Argonne National Laboratory
US/Central timezone

Model-independent new-physics simulation with GENIE

16 Sep 2024, 15:05
E1100 (#402)



Invited Talk: in-person WG5: Neutrino Beyond PMNS Parallel: WG5


Komninos-John Plows (University of Liverpool)


Many kinds of new-physics signatures are predicted from extensions to the Standard Model, motivating searches in extant data and sensitivity estimates in future planned neutrino detectors to look for evidence of physics beyond the Standard Model. A major thrust in recent years has been to formulate model-independent frameworks to facilitate analyses with detailed treatments of experimental uncertainties, while retaining the capability to adapt to various models of interest. Extending the BeamHNL framework of the GENIE event generator, a generic simulation framework for long-lived particles produced in meson decays, ExoticLLP, is under development. ExoticLLP is applicable both to accelerator and atmospheric contexts, leveraging a detailed interface between flux simulations for hadrons and detector geometries, as well as user input for the specific production and decay modes of such particles. Its design is intended to facilitate reweighting of events by the user, saving detailed information of the new-physics particle’s ancestry as well as the conditional probabilities for its acceptance by the detector, survival to reach the detector, decay inside the volume, and handles for the vertex distribution inside the detector.

Working Group WG 5: Neutrinos Beyond PMNS

Primary author

Komninos-John Plows (University of Liverpool)

Presentation materials