10’ after the talk is reserved for Q&A
The hack session has been canceled. Please send any comments on the topical group report to the conveners.
10’ after the talk is reserved for Q&A
One of recognized challenges with the virtual and/or hybrid meeting formats is that they offer limited opportunities for chance or planned encounters with other participants.
In partnership with Remotely Green we are running a couple of “virtual networking” events this week.
Each event lasts 45 minutes and allows you to meet and have around 7 rounds of 6 minute chats with up to 3 people...
talk by the ITF Chair T.Roser "ITF (Implementation Task Force) Report on Future Colliders - from Higgs Factories to Energy Frontier "
General Discussion after the ITF presentation
Kevin Black, Sekhar Chivukula, Haiyan Gao (online), Jim Gates (online), Julie Renee Posselt (online)
With a Phase I Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) we are [building][2] a high-density fiberscope. We propose a novel method for constructing a fiberscope for measuring the spectra of a large number of distant, celestial objects. Our [design][1] will provide a tenfold increase in the rate of red-shift measurements for cosmological surveys....
The High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) is expected to reach the peak instantaneous luminosity of $7.5×10^{34}\mathrm{cm}^{−2}\mathrm{s}^{−1}$ at a center-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s}$= 14 TeV. This leads to an extremely high density environment with up to 200 interactions per proton-proton bunch crossing. Under these conditions event reconstruction represents a major challenge for experiments due to...
Improvements in Detector mechanics need in-depth study of thermal and mechanical loading conditions to have more integrated design concepts that save on material budgets and optimize performance. Particle detectors at future colliders rely on ever more lightweight and radiation-hard charged particle tracking devices, which are supported by structures manufactured from composite materials. ...
The Accelerated AI Algorithms for Data-Driven Discovery (A3D3) Institute funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), under the Harnessing the Data Revolution (HDR) program, recently launched a postbaccalaureate research fellowship this year aimed to increase participation in research from traditionally underrepresented groups in STEM, such as African American/Black, Chicano/Latino, Native...
Structure wakefield acceleration (SWFA) is one of the most promising AAC schemes in several recent strategic reports, including DOE's 2016 AAC Roadmap, report on the Advanced and Novel Accelerators for High Energy Physics Roadmap (ANAR), and report on Accelerator and Beam Physics Research Goals and Opportunities. SWFA aims to raise the gradient beyond the limits of conventional radiofrequency...
Prospects for searches of anomalous quartic gauge couplings at a future high-energy muon collider using the production of WW boson pairs are reported. Muon-muon collision events are simulated at √s = 6 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4 ab−1. The simulated events are used to study the WWνν and WWμμ final states with the W bosons decaying hadronically. The events are analyzed to...
Demonstrating the viability of emerging accelerator science ultimately relies on experimental validation. A portfolio of beam test facilities at US National Laboratories and Universities, as well as international facilities in Europe and Asia, are used to perform research critical to advancing accelerator science and technology (S&T). These facilities have enabled the pioneering accelerator...
The impedance model opens an old window on the roots of string theory via the S-matrix bootstrap. There is no Lagrangian. Equations of motion calculate mode impedances of the S-matrix. These govern amplitude and phase of energy transmission, such that the S-matrix impedance representation is also the gauge group, with direct interaction of both flavor and color matrix elements the citizens of...
We revisit the generation of a matter-antimatter asymmetry in the minimal extension of the Standard Model with two singlet heavy neutral leptons (HNL) that can explain neutrino masses. We derive an accurate analytical approximation to the solution of the complete set of kinetic equations, which exposes the non-trivial parameter dependencies in the form of parameterization-independent...
We present a novel dish antenna for broadband ~$\mu$eV-eV range axion and wave-dark matter detection, which allows to utilize state-of-the-art high-field solenoidal magnets. At these masses it is difficult to scale up traditional resonator setups to the required volume. However, at metallic surfaces in a high magnetic field dark matter axions can convert to photons regardless of axion mass....
We argue that if the Newtonian gravitational field of a body can mediate entanglement with another body, then it should also be possible for the body producing the Newtonian field to entangle directly with on-shell gravitons. Our arguments are made by revisiting a gedankenexperiment previously analyzed by Belenchia et al., which showed that a quantum superposition of a massive body requires...
The previous Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel (P5) report was responsible for consolidating a set of long term High Energy Physics (HEP) programs to address scientific questions on all three Department of Energy (DOE) Cosmic, Energy, and Intensity Frontiers. Two of these efforts are the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) and its main experiments, and the Deep...
Understanding the structure and interactions of nuclei is of special interest to the HEP community given the role of nuclei in experimental searches for violation of fundamental symmetries and searches for new physics. From neutrino physics to dark matter searches, nuclei are used as targets to probe new particles and new interactions. Interpreting the results of these experiments with fully...
The ICARUS detector will search for LSND-like neutrino oscillations exposed at shallow depth to the FNAL BNB beam as the far detector in the Short-Baseline Neutrino (SBN) program. Cosmic backgrounds rejection is particularly important for the ICARUS detector due to its larger size and distance from neutrino production compared to the near detector SBND. In ICARUS the neutrino signal over...
The CUORE Upgrade with Particle Identification (CUPID) is a next-generation tonne scale neutrinoless double beta decay experiment that will be able to probe the inverted neutrino mass ordering region, test lepton number violation, and test the Majorana nature of neutrinos. CUPID’s scientific program will be built upon the experience from previous experiments CUORE, CUPID-Mo, and CUPID-0,...
The successful electromagnetic observation of the neutron star merger GW170817 led to explosive growth in the field of multi-messenger astronomy. With that growth has come new challenges and opportunities. The computational needs of gravitational-wave astronomy have risen alongside the sensitivity of the global network of gravitational-wave detectors, and will continue to rise as more...
A lot of attention has been paid to the applications of machine learning methods in physics experiments and theory. However, less attention is paid to the methods themselves and their viability as physics modeling tools. One of the most fundamental aspects of modeling physical phenomena is the identification of the symmetries that govern them. Incorporating symmetries into a model can reduce...
To perform experimental searches for low mass bosonic dark matter such as the hidden photon or axion, our group works to employ dielectric photonic bandgap cavities with a high quality factor to coherently accumulate the axion signal for readout using qubit-based single photon detectors. The advantage of the qubit-based detector is in overcoming the standard quantum noise limit through...
The Selena neutrino experiment couples an amorphous selenium (aSe) ionization target to a complimentary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) active pixel array as an imaging detector for next generation neutrino physics. The high Q$_{\beta\beta}$ of $^{82}$Se and the excellent event classification allows for a search for neutrinoless $\beta\beta$ decay free from environmental backgrounds....
Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGADs) are thin silicon detectors with moderate internal signal amplification, providing time resolution of <20 ps for minimum ionizing particles. LGADs are the key silicon sensor technology for the timing detectors of the CMS and ATLAS experiments in the HL-LHC. In addition, their fast rise time and short full charge collection time (as low as 1 ns) is suitable...
The Electron Ion Collider requires a pre-injector linac to accelerate large electron bunches from 4 MeV up to 400 MeV over 35 m[1]. Currently this linac is being designed with 3 m long traveling wave structures, which provide a gradient of 16 MV/m. We propose the use of a 1 m distributed coupling design as a potential alternative and future upgrade path to this design. Distributed coupling...
FASER (ForwArd Search ExpeRiment) fills the axial blindspot of other, radially arranged LHC experiments. It is installed 480 meters from the ATLAS interaction point, along the collision axis. FASER will search for new, long-lived particles that may be hidden in the collimated reaction products exiting ATLAS. The tracking detector is an essential component for observing LLP signals. FASER's...
GAMBIT is a flexible and extensible open-source framework that can be used to undertake global fits of essentially any BSM theory to a wide range of relevant experimental data sets. The code currently has the ability to recast and combine results from collider searches for new physics, cosmological probes, neutrino experiments, astrophysical and terrestrial dark matter searches, and precision...
Particle tracking is a challenging pattern recognition task in experimental particle physics. Traditionally, algorithms based on the Kalman filter are used for such tasks and show desirable performance in finding tracks originating from the interaction point. However, many Beyond Standard Model (BSM) theories predict the existence of long-lived particles (LLP). They have a longer lifetime and...
Among the facilities proposed for the next generation of particle accelerators for High Energy Physics, the muon collider represents a unique machine, which would be able to provide leptonic collisions at energies of several TeV.
Muons collisions at such energy scale holds a remarkable physic potential, both for searches of phenomena beyond the Standard Model, and precision measurements of...
Superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) cavities play a crucial role in quantum computing and various quantum applications. These cavities also provide powerful tools to probe fundamental physics. At Fermilab, we are exploring ways to use hybridized SRF cavities as quantum transducers to convert microwave-optical quantum signals with high fidelity and high efficiency. Currently, quantum...
One of the central goals of the physics program at the future colliders is to elucidate the origin of electroweak symmetry breaking, including precision measurements of the Higgs sector. This includes a detailed study of Higgs boson pair production, which can reveal the Higgs self-interaction strength through the gluon fusion mode as well as the coupling between Higgs and vector bosons through...
The upper limit on (time reversal symmetry T-violating) permanent hadron electric dipole moments (EDMs) is the PSI neutron EDM value; $d_n = (0.0\pm1.1_{\rm stat}\pm0.2_{\rm sys}\times10^{-26}$\,e.cm. This paper describes an experiment to be performed at a BNL-proposed CLIP project which is to be capable of producing intense polarized beams of protons, $p$, helions (He${}^3$ nuclei), h, and...
Hidden disabilities are typically understood in light of the obstacles they present for students and researchers to succeed in academia. However, the same differences that fuel these conditions can provide a rich source of cognitive diversity to an environment that enables diversity to thrive. Cognitive diversity has great potential to contribute to the scientific output of our field by...
As the data collection grows larger and computational/statistical techniques become more complex, many physics analysis users are experiencing a "two-language problem"[1] without knowing it.
Julia and the ever-growing JuliaHEP[2] ecosystem aim to provide end-users the ability to chew through a larger amount of data faster, by being a JIT language from the ground up. And also enable users to...
Measuring longitudinally polarized vector boson scattering in, e.g., the $ZZ$ channel is a promising way to investigate the unitarization scheme from the Higgs and possible new physics beyond the Standard Model. However, at the LHC, it demands the end of the HL-LHC lifetime luminosity, 3000$fb^{-1}$, and advanced data analysis technique to reach the discovery threshold due to its small...
The GammaTPC is an MeV-scale single-phase liquid-argon time-projection-chamber gamma-ray telescope with a novel dual-scale pixel-based charge-readout system. It promises to enable a significant improvement in sensitivity to MeV-scale gamma rays over previous telescopes. The novel pixel-based charge readout allows for the imaging of the tracks of electrons scattered by Compton interactions of...
Despite their consequential applications, certain aspects of metastable states of anti-branes in warped throats are not yet fully understood. In this poster, I will introduce the Kachru-Pearson-Verlinde (KPV) configuration, a frequently-discussed metastable configuration of anti-D3 branes at the tip of a Klebanov-Strassler throat, and briefly recap the decade-long discussions on its existence....
The upcoming GRAMS (Gamma-Ray and AntiMatter Survey) experiment aims to provide un- precedented sensitivity to a poorly explored region of the cosmic gamma-ray spectrum from 0.1-100 MeV, often referred to as the “MeV gap”. Utilizing Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) technology to detect these MeV gamma rays, GRAMS has the potential to uncover crucial details behind a variety of...
TXS 0506+056 is the first multimessenger blazar, having been detected twice by IceCube during events described as neutrino flares, one of which coincided with a gamma-ray flare. TXS 0506+056 is an unusual blazar independent of the coincident neutrino observations. We develop a one-zone, leptohadronic particle transport model and apply it to the historical broadband SED to establish a baseline...
The neutrino beam quality at the NuMI beamline is determined by observing the incident proton beam parameters and the horn current behaviors. Three arrays of muon monitors located in the downstream of the hadron absorber provide the measurements of the primary beam and horn current quality. We studied the response of muon monitors with the proton beam profile changes and focusing horn current...
Neutrinos might interact among themselves through forces that have so far remained hidden.
Throughout the history of the Universe, such secret interactions could lead to scatterings between the neutrinos from supernova explosions and the non-relativistic relic neutrinos left over from the Big Bang. Such scatterings can boost the cosmic neutrino background to O(MeV) energies, making it, in...
Machine learning (ML) is becoming an increasingly important component of
cutting-edge physics research, but its computational requirements present significant challenges. In this poster, we discuss the needs of the physics
community regarding ML across latency and throughput regimes, the tools and
resources that offer the possibility of addressing these needs, and how these can
be best...
In the past several years, there have been a number of experimental signals pointing to potential violation of lepton flavor universality. The PIONEER experiment, utilizing the Paul Scherrer Institutes' (PSI) infrastructure for particle physics (CHRISP), seeks to probe such Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) universality violating effects through the measurement of the branching ratio of the...
The PIP-II Linac at Fermilab is slated for operation later this decade and can support a MW-class $\mathcal{O}$(1~GeV) proton fixed-target program in addition to the beam required for DUNE. Proton collisions with a fixed target could produce a bright stopped-pion neutrino source. The addition of an accumulator ring allows for a pulsed neutrino source with a high duty factor to suppress...
The Matter-wave Atomic Gradiometer Interferometric Sensor (MAGIS-100), soon to be constructed at Fermilab, uses three coupled light-pulsed atom interferometers across a 100-meter baseline to probe external potentials as low as $10^{-20}$ eV. This sensitivity enables unparalleled reach into unexplored parameter space for ultralight scalar dark matter that couples to electrons or photons with...
Next generation cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiments and galaxy surveys will generate a wealth of new data with unprecedented precision on small scales. Correlations between CMB anisotropies and the galaxy density carry valuable cosmological information about the largest scales, creating novel opportunities for inference. It is possible to foresee a cosmological paradigm shift, in...
We consider a gauged B$-$L (Baryon number minus Lepton number) extension of the Standard Model (SM), which is anomaly free in the presence of three SM singlet Right Handed Neutrinos (RHNs). Associated with the $U(1)_{\rm B-L}$ gauge symmetry breaking, the RHNs acquire Majorana masses and then with the electroweak symmetry breaking, tiny Majorana masses for the SM(-like) neutrinos are naturally...
Ultra-light axions (ULAs) are a promising and intriguing set of dark-matter candidates. We study the prospects to use forthcoming measurements of 21-cm fluctuations from cosmic dawn to probe ULAs. In this poster, I focus in particular on the velocity acoustic oscillations (VAOs) in the large-scale 21-cm power spectrum, features imprinted by the long-wavelength (k∼0.1 1/Mpc) modulation, by...
Prospects for the measurement of top quark-antiquark associated Higgs boson (ttH) production in the HL-LHC era will be presented. The measurement is performed in the opposite sign dilepton channel focusing on the H → bb decay. A novel approach and the projection study for the HL-LHC is explored. The analysis strategy is based on the reconstruction of the Higgs boson invariant mass through the...
Studies of neutrinos from astrophysical environments such as core-collapse supernovae, neutron star mergers and the early universe provide a large amount of information about various phenomena occurring in them. The description of the flavor oscillation is a crucial aspect for such studies, since the physics of matter under extreme conditions is strongly flavor-dependents (nucleosynthesis,...
Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) particle detectors such as MicroBooNE, SBND, and DUNE produce 3D images of particle interactions using ionization charge collected by anode sensor arrays. One of the physics goals of these experiments is to look for rare and faint signals produced by interactions of beam-produced neutrinos or dark matter particles, or interactions of neutrinos from...
Significant developments in accelerator technology will be essential for particle colliders to reach the energies necessary for the next breakthrough in high energy particle physics. THz-frequency structures could provide the gradients needed for next generation particle accelerators with compact, GeV/m-scale devices. One of the most promising THz generation techniques to drive compact...
Many extensions of the standard model (SM) predict the existence of neutral, weakly-coupled particles that have a long lifetime. These long-lived particles (LLPs) often provide striking displaced signatures in detectors, thus escaping the conventional searches for prompt particles and remaining largely unexplored at the LHC.
I will present a first search at the LHC that uses a muon...
A number of anomalies have been observed in accelerator-based short-baseline neutrino experiments since the 1990s, including the LSND anomaly and MiniBooNE low energy excess (LEE), motivating follow-up searches for exotic new physics Beyond the Standard Model (BSM). At the same time, the liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) technology offers unprecedented spatial and calorimetric...
Haloscopes consisting of a microwave cavity with a high quality factor (Q) connected to low noise electronics have been deployed to directly detect wavelike axions and dark photons. But the dark matter mass is unknown, so haloscopes must be tunable to search through the photon coupling vs. mass parameter space. The scan rate for haloscope experiments is a key figure of merit and is dependent...
Many theories suggest that new particles could have measurably long lifetimes, requiring dedicated search methods not typically used in studies of particles with prompt decays. We present a study on the sensitivity to long-lived dark photon production via dark Higgs decay with the proposed Silicon Detector for the future International Linear Collider (ILC). The ILC is designed to produce a...
Dark matter is the name that we give to the 85% of matter in the universe that interacts via gravity but negligibly with any of the other known forces. One compelling model for dark matter is the axion, as it simultaneously solves the existence of dark matter and the strong CP problem in QCD. Axions may be detectable using haloscopes, which rely on axion-photon coupling in the presence of...
In this poster, I will present methods using planetary/asteroidal data and space quantum technologies to study fundamental physics.
We first show a proposal using space quantum clocks to study solar-halo ultralight dark matter, motivated by the NASA deep space atomic clock (DSAC) and Parker Solar Probe (PSP).
We then discuss new constraints on fifth forces using asteroidal data. We will...
One signature of an expanding universe is the time-variation of the cosmological abundances of its different components. For example, a radiation-dominated universe inevitably gives way to a matter-dominated universe, and critical moments such as matter-radiation equality are fleeting. In this talk, I shall demonstrate that this lore is not always correct. In particular, I shall show how a...
Once all the sleptons as well as the Bino are observed at the ILC, the Bino contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic dipole moment (muon $g−2$) in supersymmetric (SUSY) models can be reconstructed. Motivated by the recently confirmed muon $g−2$ anomaly, we examine the reconstruction accuracy at the ILC with $\sqrt{s}$ = 500 GeV. For this purpose, measurements of stau parameters are...
Silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) are now widely used in high-energy physics. They are popular because of their small size, their capability to detect single-photons, their insensitivity to magnetic fields, and their low radioactivity. It is, however, challenging to achieve high photon detection efficiencies in the UV and VUV. A feature very much desired in liquid Argon and Xenon detectors....
The DUNE experiment will use the new LBNF (Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility) neutrino beam sampled at the Near Detector complex (DUNE ND), 574 m downstream of the production target, and at the Far Detector complex, 1300 km away at the SURF laboratory at a depth of about 1.5 km. The highly capable multi-component Near Detector complex, with a LAr TPC (Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber) as its...
A strong first-order electroweak phase transition (SFOEWPT) is expected within BSM scenarios and can be induced by light new particles weakly coupled to the Higgs. At the future Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC), 1 million events of Higgs boson associated with a Z boson will be collected in a very clean environment and the sensitivity to probe the SFOEWPT for new scalar masses can be...
Elucidating the fundamental nature of dark matter (DM) is one of the open questions in particle physics today. The growing interest in new sub-GeV DM models has led to many proposals for experiments that can effectively probe this unexplored parameter space. Due to their low energy thresholds and low intrinsic dark count rates, superconducting nanowire single photon detectors (SNSPDs) can be...
Elucidating the fundamental nature of dark matter (DM) is one of the open questions in particle physics today. The growing interest in new sub-GeV DM models has led to many proposals for experiments that can effectively probe this unexplored parameter space. Due to their low energy thresholds and low intrinsic dark count rates, superconducting nanowire single photon detectors (SNSPDs) can be...
In this work, we consider the strong sector of the minimal and the non-minimal
Standard Model Extension in order to compute the cross section for Drell Yan and deep inelastic scattering processes. We use this framework to test Lorentz and CPT symmetries with real data, collected at colliders such as LHC and Hera, and simulated data for the future US-based electron-ion collider [1].
[1] V....
We summarize the recent progress of the ALPHA Consortium, a new experimental collaboration to build a plasma haloscope to search for axions and dark photons. The plasma haloscope is a novel method for the detection of the resonant conversion of light dark matter to photons. Unlike traditional cavity haloscopes, which are generally limited in volume by the Compton wavelength of the axion,...
Pulsars - spinning neutron stars that are magnetized – are likely the leading source which could explain the large excess in the observed positron flux present in data measurements from the AMS-01, HEAT, and PAMELA collaborations. While first thought to be from a source of annihilating dark matter, there have since been more compelling observations - via experiments such as HAWC - of TeV halos...
Achieving granularity below the 1 mm scale while maintaining high efficiency, precise timing, and good spatial resolution is a goal of continued R&D on silicon diode Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGAD). The deep junction LGAD (DJ-LGAD) approach, proposed by the SCIPP ultrafast sensor R&D group, is to make use of the diode junction to create avalanche-generating fields within the sensor, and...
The snowball chamber is analogous to the bubble and cloud chambers in that it relies on a phase transition, but it is new to high-energy particle physics. The concept of the snowball chamber relies on supercooled water (or a noble element, for scintillation for energy reconstruction), which can remain metastable for long time periods in a sufficiently clean and smooth container (on the level...
The Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray Observatory (SWGO) Collaboration is currently engaged in design and prototyping work towards the realization of this future gamma-ray facility in the Southern Hemisphere. SWGO be a next-generation, wide-field-of-view, survey instrument sensitive to gamma rays from ~100 GeV to hundreds of TeV. Its science topics are numerous and diverse, including probing...
The detection of astrophysical neutrinos with IceCube has renewed the interest in opening the neutrino window at even higher energies. Trinity is a proposed system of air-shower imaging telescopes to detect Earth-skimming tau neutrinos. The observatory will have 18 novel wide field-of-view telescopes distributed at three different sites on mountain tops in its final configuration. With its...
Current experiments to search for broken lepton-number symmetry through the observation of neutrinoless double-beta decay ($0\nu\beta\beta$) provide the most stringent limits on the Majorana nature of neutrinos and the effective Majorana neutrino mass ($m_\beta\beta$). The next-generation experiments will focus on sensitivity to the $0\nu\beta\beta$ half-life of...
Data-intensive science is increasingly reliant on real-time processing capabilities and machine learning workflows, in order to filter and analyze the extreme volume and complexity of the data being collected. This is especially true at the energy and intensity frontiers of particle physics, for physics facilities such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).
The sophisticated trigger systems at...
The pursuit of knowledge in particle physics requires constant learning. As new tools become available, new theories are developed, and physicists search for new answers with ever-evolving methods. However, it is the case that formal educational systems serve as the primary training grounds for particle physicists. Graduate school (and undergraduate school to a lesser extent) is where...
The Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO) will be the major next-generation facility for observations of very high-energy (VHE) gamma-ray sources, having sensitivity for energies 20 GeV - 300 TeV. Funding has now been secured and construction is beginning for the "Alpha Configuration," consisting of observatories in the Atacama Desert (Chile) in the southern hemisphere and at La Palma...
Axions in the local dark matter halo of the galaxy collide with virtual photons dressing the electromagnetic vertex of the muon. The collisions shift the muon magnetic moment in a way that scales with the volume of the muon beam and transforms like the axion under the charge conjugation, parity, and time-reversal symmetries of quantum electrodynamics. Analysis of measurements of the muon...
The IF06 session will consist of a short introductory talk followed by a discussion period - for each of the four main calorimetry subject areas (Precise Timing, Dual-Readout, Particle Flow, and Materials)
Direction to explore BSM physics.
What are the Dream/Nightmare cases for new physics, and what is the need for Energy Frontier machines?
Questions from the audience.
Summary of main points/highlights from WP/Summary
Critical issues, challenges, questions (10 min)
followed by discussion.
Summary of main points/highlights from WP/Summary
Critical issues, challenges, questions (10min) Katja Kruger
"High granularity MAPS ECal" Jim Brau
followed by discussion.
Summary of main points/highlights from WP/Summary
Critical issues, challenges, questions (10 min)
followed by discussion
Summary of main points/highlights from WP/Summary
Critical issues, challenges, questions
followed by discussion
Discussion of topics and questions submitted prior to the session, can be found in this google document
A panel will consist of all speakers
10' after the talk is reserved for Q&A
5' after the talk is reserved for Q&A
10' after the talk is reserved for Q&A
Neutrino Frontier physics topics with especially strong connections to other frontiers and/or non-HEP funding sources
Panel discussion on neutrino frontier projects, including timelines, costs, future planning, balance of program with introductory project overview presentation
15 min presentation + 5 min discussion
15 presentation + 5 min discussion
Feedback from LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration (DESC)
15 meeting presentation + 5 min discussion
Overview of the CompF7 "Reinterpretation and Long-Term Preservation of Data and Code" report and recommendations.
See #compf07-preservation slack for location of live notes for this session.
Comments from authors of contributed white paper
Excluding Heavy-Quarks decays.
Time includes at least 5' dedicated to Q&A
15' after the talk are reserved for Q&A
Comments from authors of https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.08113
Moderators: Alex Sousa, Georgia Karagiorgi, Bryce Littlejohn, Pedro Machado
Carlos Arguelles
Milind Diwan
Karsten Heeger
Kevin Kelly
Marilena LoVerde
Alysia Marino
Walter Pettus
Dave Schmitz
Kate Scholberg
Josh Spitz
Bob Svoboda
Zahra Tabrizi
Matt Toups
Michael Wallbank
Focus 1: Path to resolution in this decade
Focus 2: Future program beyond the upcoming P5...
I will give a 20 minutes intro to the lunch, including the goals, the schedule, and the topics.
It will be followed by a brief Q&A session
Hitoshi will share his stories regarding mental health.
We will have a 20-minute monitored discussion. The topics can include
co-learningthe with LGBTQIA community about opening up on mental health issues
How to utilize resources, including HR, lab/school supports, etc.
Intersectionality: gender, racial, cultural discussions
Conflict resolution for neuro-diverse people
Compile a list of negative phrases; transitioning from these descriptions & hidden discrimination
How to increase the representation of invisible disability and neuro-diversity
How to better value neuro-diverse excellence
Unstructured informal discussion on BSM report with EF08 and EF09 conveners. Everyone welcome to stop by and ask questions, express opinions and help to strengthen the main message of the report.
Unstructured informal discussion on BSM report with EF08 and EF09 conveners. Everyone welcome to stop by and ask questions, express opinions and help to strengthen the main message of the report.
(in person)
5’ after the talk is reserved for Q&A
5’ after the talk is reserved for Q&A
5’ after the talk is reserved for Q&A
5’ after the talk is reserved for Q&A
Presentation and live editing of the Supporting Capabilities for Underground Research (UF4) Topical Report.
Go over the feedback each group got on their report.
Go over new input from XF meetings and other information from community.
10’ after the talk is reserved for Q&A
Members of the HEPAP Subpanel will be present to lead a short discussion of the panel's charge and to listen to your input.
The landscape of QST/HEP intersections across academic/research institutions, including national and international laboratories and industry.
Quantum entanglement advancing HEP theory, experiment, and computation. Examples drawn from black holes and radiation.
The status of the National Quantum Initiative launched by the DOE and other federal agencies in 2018.
The panel will debate the status and envision the future of QST/HEP intersections and highlight the integration of quantum science and technology developments with the HEP apparatus, including building a quantum-ready workforce.
Topics that will be discussed include: 1) Codesign quantum experiments to advance and be advanced by the HEP mission as exemplified by the ongoing dark...
The role and impact of fundamental science, specifically HEP, on the present and future quantum ecosystem.
ABP (Sergei Nagaitsev), AAC (Mark Hogan), RF (Sergey Belomestnykh), MDP (Steve Gourlay) + discussion
ILC (Andy Lankford), FCC (Tor Raubenheimer), MC (Mark Palmer), C3/HELEN (Emilio Nanni), AAC (Cameron Geddes) +discussion
CERN/FCC (Frank Zimmermann), Japan/ILC (Shoji Asai), China/CepC (Xinchou Lou), INFN/MC (Nadia Pastrone)
+ discussion (15')
Dr. Jessica Esquivel is a Fermilab physicist who has organized events such as Wakandacon, an Afrofuturist comic convention in Chicago. (participating in person)