CTA Meeting

Building 362 Room F-240 (Argonne National Laboratory)

Building 362 Room F-240

Argonne National Laboratory

9700 South Cass Avenue, Lemont, Illinois 60439
Karen Byrum (Argonne National Laboratory)
The main goal of this meeting is to review the current status of the design 
of the mechanical structure of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) so that it can be finalized.
Attendees: prior to arriving, please download and review the material listed below:
1. Prototype Telescope Mechanical Design  http://gate.hep.anl.gov/vjg/SC-MRI-Mechanical%20Design-ver1.pdf
2. Assembly Drawings http://gate.hep.anl.gov/vjg/Appendix%202%20--Assembly%20Drawings%20CTA-10.pdf
3. Mirror Assembly Drawings http://gate.hep.anl.gov/vjg/Appendix%203%20--CTA-10-14-MirrorAssembies.pdf
4. Wind and Foundation Calculations http://gate.hep.anl.gov/vjg/Appendix%205%20--%20Wind%20and%20Foundation%20Calculations.pdf
5. Optic Drawings Layout http://gate.hep.anl.gov/vjg/Appendix%205%20--CTA-10%20MRI%20Telescope%20Optics%205_1.pdf
All of the above material plus more can be found on Victor's web page.http://gate.hep.anl.gov/vjg/SC-MRI.htm
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