Institutional Review of Fermilab (S&T + Research)

WH2SE Comitium (Fermilab)

WH2SE Comitium


Young-Kee Kim (FNAL)
This review will cover the entire HEP program at Fermilab, including research and all aspects of the lab that are normally covered in the annual S&T review of the laboratory's user facility. Theory, general accelerator development and computing will not be deeply reviewed since theory will be reviewed this summer and general accelerator development and computing were very recently reviewed. Contact person for logistics - Terry Erickson (
2010 S&T Closeout Report
2011 Review: Agenda
2011 Review: Charge
2011 Review: Closeout
2011 Review: Document
2011 Review: Practice Talk Schedule
2011 Review: Presentation Template
MINOS+ Proposal