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30 July 2022 to 6 August 2022
Cliff Lodge
US/Mountain timezone

Detection of high-energy neutrinos at LHC with SND@LHC

5 Aug 2022, 14:20
Wasatch B

Wasatch B

Talk WG2: Neutrino Scattering Physics WG2: Neutrino Scattering Physics


Masahiro Komatsu (CERN)


SND@LHC is a compact and stand-alone experiment to perform measurements with neutrinos produced at the LHC in a hitherto unexplored pseudo-rapidity region of 7.2 < 𝜂 < 8.4, complementary to all the other experiments at the LHC. The experiment is to be located 480 m downstream of IP1 in the unused TI18 tunnel. The detector is composed of a hybrid system based on an 800 kg target mass of tungsten plates, interleaved with emulsion and electronic trackers, followed downstream by a calorimeter and a muon system. The configuration allows efficiently distinguishing between all three neutrino flavours, opening a unique opportunity to probe physics of heavy flavour production at the LHC in the region that is not accessible to ATLAS, CMS and LHCb. This region is of particular interest also for future circular colliders and for predictions of very high-energy atmospheric neutrinos. The detector concept is also well suited to searching for Feebly Interacting Particles via signatures of scattering in the detector target. The first phase aims at operating the detector throughout LHC Run 3 to collect a total of 150 fb−1. A new era of collider neutrino physics is just starting.

Attendance type In-person presentation

Primary authors

Presentation materials