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30 July 2022 to 6 August 2022
Cliff Lodge
US/Mountain timezone

NuFact Announcement & Circular

NuFact 2022 Announcement

We are pleased to announce the “23rd international workshop on neutrinos from accelerators (NuFact 2022)”, organized by the Department of Physics and Astronomy at The University of Utah. NuFact 2022 will take place from Sunday, July 31, 2022, till Saturday, August 6, 2022, at Snowbird near Salt Lake City, Utah.

The NuFact conference series started in 1999, inspired by the irrefutable evidence that neutrinos change from one flavor to another. Neutrino oscillations imply that neutrinos have mass, which is one of the strongest signs that the standard model of particle physics is incomplete. What lies beyond is one of the most important scientific challenges of our time. Accelerator-based neutrino sources and large volume neutrino detectors continue to provide some of the most important measurements to characterize neutrino properties. In recent years NuFact has expanded beyond accelerator neutrino oscillation physics to include precision muon measurements, neutrino detector physics, and to provide a forum to discuss social-economic challenges of our research field.

NuFact2022 provides an opportunity for the neutrino community to critically examine the latest results in this field and define future directions in neutrino physics.

We are currently envisioning a fully in-person event. Plenary and selected parallel sessions will be streamed for worldwide participation. NuFact will include some dedicated hybrid events  with opportunities for remote participants to give presentations and to discuss with the in-person participants.

We invite you to visit the NuFact2022 workshop website for further information about the workshop at:

We invite abstract submissions on the NuFact indico page at:

Registration will open shortly, and we expect an early-bird conference registration fee of $550 until May 30th, after this date it will be $650. The registration fee will cover social activities, group lunches, light breakfast and coffee breaks, and receptions. We plan to offer a reduced registration fee for early career scientists. We strongly encourage early career scientists to apply for the reduced registration rate. You will need to provide a short statement of justification to be considered. We strongly encourage members of underrepresented groups to apply. Funding is still pending for early career scientist support and will determine how many reduced registration fees can be offered.

Please freely circulate this email to your colleagues who are interested in neutrino and astrophysics.

Important dates:

  • Abstract submission target: May 15th, 2022 (Note that abstracts will be accepted past this target date if they are of interest to the workshop and can be accommodated in the program)

  • Abstract notification: May 22nd, 2022

  • Early bird registration: before May 30, 2022

  • Regular registration: May 30, 2022 - August 6, 2022

  • Application for reduced registration fee (early career scientists): June 1, 2022


Carsten Rott (for the NuFact Organizing Committee)