Please read these instructions before posting any event on Fermilab Indico

Indico will be unavailable on Monday Feb 17th from 4:30-5PM CST due to server maintenance.

30 July 2022 to 6 August 2022
Cliff Lodge
US/Mountain timezone

Instructions for Presenters / Session Chairs

Instructions for presenters:
  • Presentations and uploading your contributions:
    • Please upload your presentation before the start of the sessions. You can upload your slides directly to the indico page by clicking on your contribution. If you have any trouble please let us know and we can help. For parallel session talks, please contact the working group conveners of the session.
    • All speakers need to upload their slides before the start of the session
  • Allocated times for your presentation:
    • The times shown for your presentation on indico includes the time for questions. So please prepare your talk such that you leave time for questions. We will need to be strict on the time to make sure that we stay on schedule, so that the in-person audience and remote participants can best interact. Virtual participants might connect for certain talks only.
    • Please stay in time and remember allocated talk times include Q&A periods.
    • Please refer to instruction from your working group for the suggested break down. For the plenary session we will use the following allocation: [30min - 25min + 5min] and [15min = 13min + 2min].
  • Presentation Laptop:
    • We will have a presentation laptop with the zoom session running for the presenters. All presenters shall use the presentation laptop. The presentation laptop will be running windows and can be used to display pdfs or power-point files. If necessary presenters could use their own laptop by connecting to the zoom session, however we strongly encourage you to use the presentation laptop.
  • Virtual presenters:
    • Please join before the start of your session and test that screen sharing and your microphone works properly.
Instructions for session chairs:
  • Before the start of the session:
    • Make sure all the presentations have been uploaded to indico, otherwise please contact the speakers
    • Make sure all the speakers are present
    • Make sure that virtual speakers are connected and test their connection and screen sharing. Contact remote speakers in case they are not present
  • At the start of  each presentation:
    • Introduce the speaker
  • During the presentations:
    • Make sure the speaker stays on time and give warnings about the time.
    • Make sure the speaker leaves enough time for questions at the end otherwise ask the speaker to wrap up the talk.
  • Q&A
    • Ask for questions from the in-person participants and remote participants. Remote participants should raise their "virtual hand" and unmute themselves when called upon.
    • Check for questions/discussions in the slack channel and bring them to the attention of the speaker or call upon virtual participants to ask if appropriate
  • Help:
    • Each session has at least one helper from the organizing team assign, to help iron out technical details and help monitor remote audiences and the associated slack channel