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July 30, 2022 to August 6, 2022
Cliff Lodge
US/Mountain timezone

ESSvSB+ Workshop

Agenda of the ESSvSB workshop in the NuFact2022 conference
Date: Sunday 31 July, 2022, 14:00 – 16:30 (MDT/Mountain Daylight Time)

1- Outcome of the ESSvSB design study 2018-2022
Speaker: Tord Ekelöf (20+5 min)
2- Programme for the new design study ESSvSB+ 2023-2026
Speaker: Marcos Dracos (20+5 min)
3- Target station and pion extraction system
Speaker: Tamer Tolba (15+5 min)
- Coffee break (15 min)
4- A Low Energy nuSTORM facility at ESS
Speaker: Maja Olvegard (15+5 min)
5- The Low Energy ENUBET-like Monitored Neutrino Beam
Speaker: Francesco Terranova (20+5 min)
6- Detectors and physics performance of ESSvSB+
Speaker: George Fanourakis (15+5 min)