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30 July 2022 to 6 August 2022
Cliff Lodge
US/Mountain timezone


4 Aug 2022, 17:10
Wasatch A

Wasatch A

Talk WG3: Accelerator Physics WG3: Accelerator Physics


Nikolaos Vassilopoulos (IHEP, Beijing)Dr Yu Bao (IHEP, CSNS)Mr Cong Chen (IHEP, CSNS)


MELODY at the China Neutron Spallation Source (CSNS) is the first muon beam that will be built in China for muon science. It will take part at the second phase of CSNS (II) and utilize 20 kW out of 500 kW of the proton beam at CSNS. Since 2021, the various components of the muon beam are under design. In this talk, a brief introduction of the overall design of MELODY at the high energy proton area (HEPEA) will be given, focusing on the primary proton target station and the muon beamlines.

Attendance type Virtual presentation

Primary authors

Nikolaos Vassilopoulos (IHEP, Beijing) Dr Yu Bao (IHEP, CSNS)


Mr Cong Chen (IHEP, CSNS)

Presentation materials