Since 1984 the Italian groups of the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) and Italian Universities, collaborating with Fermilab have been running a two-month summer training program for Italian university students. While in the first year the program involved only four physics students of the University of Pisa, in the following years it was extended to engineering students. This extension was successful and the engineering students have been well accepted by the Technical, Accelerator and Scientific Computing Division groups. This program has proven to be the most effective way to engage new students in Fermilab endeavours. Many students have extended their collaboration with Fermilab with their Master Thesis and PhD.
Since 2004 the program has been supported in part by DOE in the frame of an exchange agreement with INFN. The program has involved more than 500 Italian students from more than 20 Italian Universities. A handful of students of European and non-European Universities were also accepted in the years.
Each intern is supervised by a Fermilab Mentor. Training programs spanned from Tevatron, CMS, Muon (g-2), Mu2e and SBN (MicroBooNE, ICARUS, SBND) and DUNE design and experimental data analysis, development of particle detectors, design of electronic and accelerator components, development of infrastructures and software for tera-data handling, research on superconductive elements and on accelerating cavities, theory of particle accelerators.
In 2015 the University of Pisa included the program within its own educational programs. The students are required to write summary reports on their achievements. After positive evaluation by a University Examining Board, interns are acknowledged 6 ECTS credits for their Diploma Supplement.
After two years of suspension, we are resuming the Program. The students' are showing great interest.
Information on students' recruiting methods, training programs and final students` evaluation process awill be given.
Attendance type | Virtual presentation |