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30 July 2022 to 6 August 2022
Cliff Lodge
US/Mountain timezone

Yields and Energy Spectra of Heavy Charged Particles After Nuclear Muon Capture with the AlCap Experiment

2 Aug 2022, 17:00
Magpie A

Magpie A

Talk WG4: Muon Physics WG4: Muon Physics


Andrew Edmonds (Boston University)


The AlCap experiment recently published its first results on the yields and energy spectra of heavy particles emitted after the nuclear muon capture process. These detailed measurements quantify an important hit background to the Mu2e and COMET experiments, which will search for charged lepton flavor violation. These results greatly expand the literature in this area with first measurements on Ti and of tritons, as well as improve the precision in the energy range relevant to the upcoming muon-to-electron conversion experiments. In this talk, I will describe the experiment and present the results.

Attendance type Virtual presentation

Primary author

Andrew Edmonds (Boston University)

Presentation materials