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21–24 Mar 2023
Fermilab & Argonne
America/Chicago timezone

Muon Collider: Today's R&D for Tomorrow's Discoveries

22 Mar 2023, 16:45
Ramsey Auditorium (Wilson Hall) (Fermilab)

Ramsey Auditorium (Wilson Hall)


Fermilab open session Open Session for remarks


Karri DiPetrillo (Fermilab)


Future high energy colliders are essential to unravel the mysteries of the universe. The question is how best to access higher energies. After decades of physically larger and larger pp and e+e- machines, a compact and power-efficient muon collider would represent a paradigm shift for the field of particle physics. In this remark, I'll discuss why a multi-TeV Muon Collider is a compelling successor to the LHC, well suited for Fermilab's long-term future, and why it is imperitive we support dedicated R&D today.

Do you describe your self as early career? yes
Please select if remarks will be in person or on zoom In person
Please add details of experiment/project that this abstract corresponds to? Muon Collider R&D

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