Please read these instructions before posting any event on Fermilab Indico

Indico will be down for a brief server restart on Friday Jan 24th at 5PM CST. The downtime will be 15min at most.

Mar 21 – 24, 2023
Fermilab & Argonne
America/Chicago timezone

Argonne Code of Conduct

Argonne’s Core Values of Impact, Safety, Integrity, Respect, and Teamwork define who we are, guide our decision-making, and govern how we act as an Argonne community of employees, collaborators, users, students, vendors and visitors. We are committed to conducting all aspects of Argonne’s work on-site, online or anywhere else in accordance with the highest scientific, professional, and ethical standards. Our commitment and Code of Conduct include the following:

  • We take personal responsibility for our safety and are ethical, honest and accountable in all interactions. We conduct our business under Argonne’s Prime Contract with the Department of Energy and act as responsible and trustworthy stewards of government and commercial partner resources. We are aware of and follow our training and the policies and laws that apply to our work.
  • We conduct scientific, engineering, and technological research in accordance with Argonne’s Research Code of Conduct. We create and maintain accurate records in connection with our work. We are mindful that Argonne collaborates on a global scale and we protect information and property that is entrusted to us, including understanding our obligations related to proprietary, sensitive or other controlled information.
  • We are open to and actively seek out new ideas and innovations. We proactively drive positive change and are committed to continuous improvement in our work, operations and culture. We operate and partner under the principles of simplicity, transparency, accountability, and customer satisfaction to effectively support Argonne’s mission of accelerating science and technology to drive U.S. prosperity and security.
  • We are committed to creating and sustaining a psychologically safe, welcoming, diverse, equitable and inclusive environment. We treat each other with respect, professionalism and civility. We recognize that bringing together people whose experiences and cultural and intellectual backgrounds equip them to look at a problem from different viewpoints is key to collaboration and innovation. Everyone is responsible for maintaining an environment that is free from harassment, discrimination, retaliation, threats or abuse of any kind.
  • We speak up to ask questions and report issues or concerns. We help others to speak up and encourage all voices to be heard through both formal and informal channels. We proactively support each other to live up to our Core Values and uphold law, policy and this Code while holding ourselves and each other accountable for violations.
  • We recognize that investigating and resolving reported issues is fundamental to Argonne’s integrity. We do not tolerate retaliation against anyone who makes a good faith report of an issue or concern, or a violation of law or policy or who participates in an investigation. We address violations through formal reporting and investigation and we take corrective actions to effectively and equitably remedy violations.
  • We use Argonne and commercial partner resources responsibly and do not abuse them.  We are aware of and will not engage in activity that creates personal or organizational conflicts of interest and immediately report activity that may be a conflict of interest.