Fermilab and Argonne are committed to making an accessible town hall. Please contact kdecker@fnal.gov if you have any needs that we should be aware of.
ASL Interpreting and Captioning Services will be provided.
More details of specifics to follow.
Speakers should follow the instructions on the speaker instruction page when putting together their talks.
- Presenters will be strongly encouraged to use colorblindness-friendly color schemes.
- Presenters will be strongly encouraged to add alt-text to their figures.
- Avoid using color alone to convey information in plots, or check to make sure that colors in plots are distinguishable to those with colorblindness. A few tools that can help with this:
- For determining whether the color scheme you already use is accessible:
- Color Oracle: https://colororacle.org/
- Color Contrast Analyser from the Paciello Group: https://developer.paciellogroup.com/resources/contrastanalyser/
- For choosing a new accessible color scheme, here is one from the Belle-II collaboration (scroll to the bottom): https://stash.desy.de/projects/B2D/repos/belle2style/browse
- For determining whether the color scheme you already use is accessible:
- Live captioning has so far been booked for all sessions.
- If you need an assistive listening device, please contact us.
- All rooms and buildings will be wheelchair-accessible and furniture will be arranged to preserve this access.
- Meals and break stations will be arranged to make it possible to wait in line while seated.
- Please contact us (kdecker@fnal.gov) if you need an assessability parking space.
Dietary requirements can be specified when ordering food.
Private space
Participants who require access to private space for breastfeeding, pumping, medical or religious reasons please contact kdecker@fnal.gov.
Please contact kdecker@fnal.gov if childcare is needed.
Mental Health
If you would benefit from a quiet room to rest without interaction please contact kdecker@fnal.gov .