21–24 Mar 2023
Fermilab & Argonne
America/Chicago timezone

Measuring Neutrino Oscillation Parameters With Atmospheric Neutrinos This Decade

23 Mar 2023, 13:00
Auditorium (402)



Argonne open session Open Session for remarks


Prof. Carlos Argüelles Delgado (Harvard University)


Frontier: Neutrino
Experiment: Multi-experiments (IceCube-Upgrade, SuperKamiokande-Gd, KM3NeT-ORCA)

In the current agenda, atmospheric neutrinos are not listed in any contribution title. In this contribution, I will highlight the expected capabilities of atmospheric neutrino experiments that aim to operate this decade and how they can help determine the oscillation parameters. I point out that atmospheric neutrino experiments currently under construction will determine the neutrino ordering (at more than 5 sigma), independent of JUNO, by 2030. I will request endorsement of this valuable program in the P5 report. Finally, I will also discuss other synergies with long-baseline accelerator experiments.

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Primary author

Prof. Carlos Argüelles Delgado (Harvard University)

Presentation materials