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The FERMI(FNAL) network authorization method will be removed on Tuesday, Feb 4th at 5PM CST. See news for more details.

21–24 Mar 2023
Fermilab & Argonne
America/Chicago timezone



21 Mar 2023, 13:55
Ramsey Auditorium (Wilson Hall) (Fermilab)

Ramsey Auditorium (Wilson Hall)



Neutrinos: 1

  • Patrick Huber (Virginia Tech)

Neutrinos: 2

  • Seon-Hee Seo (Seoul National University)

Neutrinos: 3

  • Christofas Touramanis Douramanis (University of Liverpool)

Presentation materials

Kate Scholberg (Duke University)
21/03/2023, 13:55
Pedro Machado (Fermilab)
21/03/2023, 14:25
Ornella Palamara (Fermilab)
21/03/2023, 14:45
Chris Marshall (University of Rochester)
21/03/2023, 15:05
Christopher Mossey (FNAL), Richard Stanek (Fermilab)
21/03/2023, 15:35
Sam Zeller (FNAL)
21/03/2023, 16:10
Masato Shiozawa (University of Tokyo)
21/03/2023, 16:50
Alexander Valishev (Fermilab)
21/03/2023, 17:10
Mary Bishai (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Mary Bishai
21/03/2023, 17:40
Hirohisa Tanaka
22/03/2023, 08:15
Francesco Lanni
22/03/2023, 08:30
Noemi Rocco
22/03/2023, 08:45
Bryce Littlejohn
22/03/2023, 09:00
Joshua Klein (University of Pennsylvania)
22/03/2023, 09:15
Kevork Abazajian (U. C. Irvine)
22/03/2023, 09:30
Building timetable...