HEP-CCE All Hands Meeting

Building 240, Room 1501 (Argonne National Laboratory)

Building 240, Room 1501

Argonne National Laboratory

9700 S Cass Ave. Lemont, IL 60439
Paolo Calafiura (LBNL), Salman Habib (Argonne National Laboratory)

The purpose of this HEP-CCE All-Hands meeting is to 

1) Complete the self-assessment and close-out of all activities completed as part of HEP-CCE Phase I

2) Consider how some of the continuing Phase I activities will be merged into Phase II

3) Plan the full set of Phase II activities with specific roadmapping for Year 1, with input from the experiments

Dinner Monday 12/18/23
  • Adam Lyon
  • Alaettin Serhan Mete
  • Alison Peisker
  • Amanda Lund
  • Amit Bashyal
  • Azton Wells
  • Benjamin Gutierrez-Garcia
  • Beojan Stanislaus
  • Bruno Coimbra
  • Charles Leggett
  • Christopher Jones
  • Debbie Bard
  • Doug Benjamin
  • eric lancon
  • Esteban Rangel
  • Fnu Mohammad Atif
  • Houjun Tang
  • Jean Luca Bez
  • Jeremy Love
  • Julian Borrill
  • Julien Esseiva
  • Ka hei martin Kwok
  • Kenneth Herner
  • Kerstin Kleese van Dam
  • Kyle Chard
  • Lindsey Gray
  • Lisa Goodenough
  • Marcel Demarteau
  • Marcin Nowal
  • Marco Mambelli
  • Maria Elena Monzani
  • Maris Arthurs
  • Mark Dewing
  • Matteo Turilli
  • Matthew Becker
  • Matti Kortelainen
  • Meghna Bhattacharya
  • Meifeng Lin
  • Michael Buehlmann
  • Mikhail Titov
  • Nesar Ramachandra
  • Nicholas Frontiere
  • Nicholas Smith
  • Oliver Gutsche
  • Ozgur Kilic
  • Paolo Calafiura
  • Patricia Larsen
  • Patrick Gartung
  • Peter Nugent
  • Peter van Gemmeren
  • Philippe Canal
  • Rob Latham
  • Rob Ross
  • Robert Illingworth
  • Rui Wang
  • Saba Sehrish
  • Salman Habib
  • Shane Snyder
  • Shantenu Jha
  • Stefan Hoeche
  • Suren Byna
  • Taylor Childers
  • Theodore Kisner
  • Thomas Evans
  • Thomas Uram
  • Tony Johnson
  • Vakho Tsulaia
  • Valerie Hayot-Sasson
  • Vincent Garonne
  • Vitali Morozov
  • Walter Hopkins
  • Xiangyang Ju
  • Xiao-Yong Jin
  • Zhihua Dong
Samantha Tezak