Supervisor: David Wildman, Accelerator Physics Center
This summer, I will test 20, 75kW peak power quad hybrids and 3, 400kW quad hybrids using a Hewlett Packard, 8753E, 30 KHz - 6GHz Agilent Network Analyzer. I will also be making a combiner, which is needed to combine 2 individual 1200V voltages serially to make a 2400V output voltage. This will be useful in driving the meanders present in the chopper. In order to ensure that the voltage in the combiner is maximized, keeping in mind the losses in the cable, I will carry out some differential calculations incorporating the voltage and current laws. I will also be making some calculations for the fast phase shifter (FFS), such that we can achieve optimal uniformity in the field of the solenoid wound on the garnet ferrite of the FFS. These calculations will be verified running series of tests on the Agilent Network Analyzer and the Oscilloscope.