A design option considered for the inner tracking volume of the System for on-Axis Neutrino Detection (SAND) in DUNE is a single Straw Tube Tracker (STT). The STT is designed to offer a control of the configuration, chemical composition and mass of the targets similar to the one achieved in electron experiments. Thin layers (~1-2% radiation lengths) of interchangeable target materials (mostly...
The COHERENT collaboration measures coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEvNS) in multiple materials to map the neutron number squared dependence predicted by the Standard Model. The collaboration will deploy a ton-scale NaI[Tl] scintillation crystal based modular detector array, initially with about 2 T of detector material at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Sodium is the lightest...
Since the discovery of a diffuse astrophysical neutrino flux by the IceCube Neutrino Observatory, many sources have been studied as possible progenitors of high-energy neutrinos. In particular, gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) have been considered as possible neutrino sources due to their extremely high energy output. Several analyses with IceCube data have set strong limits on prompt neutrino...
ANTARES and Baikal-GVD are both Cherenkov neutrino telescopes located in
the Northern Hemisphere. As a consequence, their fields of view overlap allowing
for a combined study of the sky. Since December of 2018, Baikal followed
up a total of 25 ANTARES alerts, and while no prompt coincidence was found,
a cascade mode search showed some events falling within an angular distance of
less than...
The Argon Resonant Transport Interaction Experiment (ARTIE) was recently performed at the Time-of-Flight neutron beam at Los Alamos National Laboratory. ARTIE makes a new measurement of the total cross-section of neutrons on natural argon between 40-70 keV. In this energy range, the ENDF evaluation predicts an anti-resonance in the Ar-40 cross-section near 57 keV. However, this is not...
The atmospheric neutrino flux represents a natural source that can be exploited to infer properties about Cosmic Rays and neutrino oscillation physics. The JUNO observatory, a 20 kt liquid scintillator detector currently under construction in China, will be able to detect the atmospheric flux, given the large volume and the excellent energy resolution. In this study, a sample of atmospheric...
The nonthermal effects on the Shannon entropy for the atomic states are investigated in astrophysical Lorentzian plasmas. The Shannon entropies for the ground and excited states in astrophysical Lorentzian plasmas are also obtained as functions of the spectral index, effective screening lengths, and plasma parameters including the radial and angular parts. It is shown that the nonthermal...
New ultra-sensitive technologies are likely to be required for an observation of neutrinoless double beta with lifetimes in excess of the limits set by existing experiments. A promising avenue to a zero-background experiment is the identification of the daughter ion produced in the decay. The NEXT collaboration is developing techniques to collect and image single barium ions that result from...
The proposed nEXO experiment is searching for neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ) in 136-Xe in a tonne-scale liquid xenon TPC. If observed, 0νββ will reveal the Majorana nature of neutrinos and violation of lepton number conservation. Searches for such extremely rare events require excellent background suppression and rejection methods to achieve high sensitivities. The identification or...
The Borexino detector, located at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in Italy, is a liquid scintillator detector with a primary goal to measure solar neutrinos. The pp fusion chain has been measured in Borexino with an outstanding precision through the detection of pp, pep, $^{7}$Be, and $^{8}$B neutrinos. It is well motivated by standard solar models that around 1 per cent of the...
Neutrinos offer a window to physics beyond the Standard Model. In particular, high-energy astrophysical neutrinos, with TeV-PeV energies, may provide evidence of new, "secret" neutrino-neutrino interactions that are stronger than ordinary weak interactions. During their propagation over cosmological distances, high-energy neutrinos could interact with the cosmic neutrino background via...
STEREO is a coarsely segmented, Gd-loaded liquid scintillator calorimeter studying antineutrinos produced by the compact reactor core, highly enriched in $^{235}U$, of the Institut Laue-Langevin in Grenoble (France). The experiment has been designed to test the light sterile neutrino explanation of the Reactor Antineutrino Anomaly (RAA) by comparing the neutrino energy spectra recorded by its...
Theia is a proposed multi-kiloton scale advanced optical neutrino detector with a broad range of physics goals. By employing water-based liquid scintillator (WbLS) or a similar technology, Theia will be able to harness the high light yield of liquid scintillator detectors with the direction reconstruction capability of water Cherenkov detectors. One physics goal is to leverage these...
In the near future, the SBN and DUNE experiments will both leverage liquid
argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) technology to pursue high-precision
measurements of neutrino oscillations. Interpretation of the results from these
efforts will require a detailed understanding of neutrino-argon scattering
cross sections, which are currently subject to significant theoretical
COSINUS (Cryogenic Observatory for SIgnatures seen in Next-generation Underground Searches) has the aim of detecting Dark Matter via elastic scattering off nuclei ina NaI target crystal which is the core of the detector. The NaI crystal is kept at ~10 mK and it is operated as a low-temperature calorimeter. The deposited energy is precisely reconstructed from the phonon signal. By facing to...
Local measurements of the Hubble constant currently disagree with the high-precision value that is inferred from the CMB under the assumption of a ΛCDM cosmology. The significance of this tension clearly motivates studying extensions of the standard cosmological model capable of addressing this outstanding issue.
In this poster, based on ArXiv:1909.04044, I will show that the Majoron - a...
At the present time even the most sophisticated, multi-dimensional simulations of core-collapse supernovae do not (self-consistently) include neutrino flavor transformation. This physics is missing despite the importance of neutrinos in the core-collapse explosion paradigm. Because of this dependence, any flavor transformation that occurs in the region between the proto-neutron star and the...
NOvA is a long-baseline neutrino experiment at Fermilab that studies neutrino oscillations via electron neutrino appearance and muon neutrino disappearance. The oscillation measurements compare the Far Detector data to an oscillated prediction which combines Near Detector (ND) data and the current understanding of neutrino interactions through simulation using GENIE. By tuning the cross...
NOvA is a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment based at Fermilab, Illinois, sampling the NuMI neutrino beam at two functionally-identical detectors. The NOvA Test Beam program consists of a third, scaled-down detector placed in a charged particle beam, and aims to provide an improved understanding of the detector response and energy calibration to enable higher precision measurements...
TAO is a Gadolinium-doped liquid scintillator (GdLS) antineutrino detector located very close (~30 m) to one of Taishan nuclear reactors. TAO will act as a reference detector for the JUNO experiment and will measure the fine structure of the reactor antineutrino spectrum thus providing a benchmark for the nuclear database and reactor monitoring. TAO consists of a 90 cm radius acrylic sphere...
The Electron Capture in $^{163}$Ho (ECHo) experiment has been designed for the determination of the effective electron neutrino mass exploiting the electron capture spectrum of $^{163}$Ho. The detector technology is based on metallic magnetic calorimeters (MMCs) loaded with $^{163}$Ho and operated at millikelvin temperature. For the coming phase of the experiment, ECHo-100k, the planned...
Radon contamination in pure water causes serious background for low energy physics in Super-Kamiokande experiment, especially, search for distortions of the solar neutrino energy spectrum induced by the MSW effect. For lowering energy threshold (currently 3.5 MeV kinetic energy), investigation of radon concentration in water with sensitivity of < 1 mBq/m3 level is important and a radon...
The nEXO collaboration is pursuing various approaches to Ba-tagging as future upgrades to the nEXO detector. Ba-tagging may allow for the unambiguous identification of a candidate 0nbb event as a true bb decay. One approach is comprised of multiple ion-manipulation devices to transport, trap, and identify ions extracted from a high pressure Xe-gas environment. To characterize the performance...
As an underground multi-purpose neutrino detector with 20 kton liquid scintillator, JUNO has great potential to detect the supernova neutrino background (DSNB). Depending on intensive supernova neutrino simulation from the numerical supernova simulations, about 4-8 events per year are expected to be detected. The dominant background is from the neutral-current (NC) interaction of atmospheric...
Long baseline neutrino oscilllation experiments rely on charged-current quasi-elastic (CCQE) neutrino interactions to reconstruct the characteristic energy dependence of oscillation probabilities. The MINERvA experiment at Fermilab tests models for processes that obscure neutrino energy and interaction channel reconstruction on a variety of nuclear targets. MINERvA's first CCQE measurement...
Are you tired of having to join multiple collaborations? Do you struggle to keep track of different detectors, readouts, and active materials to do different physics? Do you wish you could do all the most interesting physics in just one experiment? There has to be a better way!
Introducing DUNE-beta. It has argon! It has Xenon! It can fill all your double beta, oscillations, and supernova...
Feldman-Cousins method is a unified approach to create frequentist confidence intervals near physical limits or with low statistics. It has been widely used in oscillation parameter inference for neutrino experiments. However, the Feldman-Cousins method is usually computationally expensive, on the order of tens of millions of CPU hours. In this work, we propose an iterative method using...
Elastic neutrino-electron scattering provides an important tool for normalizing neutrino flux in modern experiments. This process is subject to large radiative corrections. We determine the Fermi effective theory performing matching to the Standard model at the electroweak scale with subsequent running down to low energies. Based on this theory, we analytically evaluate virtual corrections and...
Calibration and simulation of the SoLid detector energy response are crucial to correct detector inhomogeneities and perform a neutrino oscillation measurement. The detector is composed of 12,800 (5x5x5 cm3) cubes made of PVT scintillator and read out by a network of 3,200 wavelength shifting fibres and MPPCs. Two methods have been developed to extract light yield from Compton edge spectrum in...
The KM3NeT research infrastructure is under construction at two locations in the Mediterranean Sea. The KM3NeT/ORCA water-Cherenkov neutrino detector off the French coast consists of a
three-dimensional array of photosensors. Its main purpose is the determination of the neutrino mass ordering by investigating the flavour oscillations of few-GeV atmospheric neutrinos. In this contribution, we...
The EXO-200 experiment was conceived to search for neutrinoless double beta decay of 136Xe. The experiment was located 650 meters underground at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant and was in operation from May 2011 until November 2018. The muon veto system in the EXO-200 experiment consisted of twenty-nine plas- tic scintillator panels that surrounded four out of six walls of the clean room that...
The Neutrinos from Stored muons (nuSTORM) facility has been proposed to measure $\nu_e ~ N$ and $\nu_\mu ~ N$ cross section very precisely. nuSTORM shows excellent promise to search for the existence of light sterile neutrinos that have been postulated to explain the LSND and MiniBooNE results with Charged Current events in a magnetized Iron calorimeter detector.
In this study we study the...
Borexino is a 280-ton liquid scintillator detector located at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Italy. Its current primary goal is the detection of neutrinos from the CNO cycle in the Sun using both counting and spectral shape analyses. The main challenge is posed by the similar spectral shapes of CNO neutrinos and the $^{210}$Bi background, a beta emitter. A measurement of the...
The next generation of neutrino oscillation experiments rely on the precise understanding of neutrino interactions in a wide energy range. In particular, the knowledge of the exact mixture of hadrons in showers affects the efficiency to distinguish between NC/CC events, the topological characterization, and impacts the estimation of backgrounds. The GENIE neutrino Monte Carlo developed an...
Cosmic-ray muons produce spallation products which can be serious backgrounds for rare-event detection experiments.
In the Kamioka liquid scintillator anti-neutrino detector (KamLAND), short-lived spallation products e.g. $^{10}$C are one of dominant backgrounds. We show recent methods of rejecting spallation products in KamLAND. New deadtime-free data acquisition system, called MoGURA...
The STEREO experiment is a very short baseline reactor antineutrino experiment. It is designed to test the hypothesis of light sterile neutrinos being the cause of a deficit of the observed antineutrino interaction rate at short baselines with respect to the predicted rate, known as the Reactor Antineutrino Anomaly. The STEREO experiment measures the antineutrino energy spectrum in six...
NOvA, a long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment, has made new measurements of the oscillations of neutrinos and anti-neutrinos. Key to these measurements is the use of machine learning algorithms that use topological features to reconstruct neutrino interaction flavor and particle identity. NOvA's latest analysis has made several key improvements to these algorithms which are much faster...
Due to its long baseline, DUNE provides an excellent avenue to probe Earth’s matter effect and associated degeneracies. We study in detail the performance of DUNE to validate matter oscillation by excluding the vacuum scenario. Whatever be the values of oscillation parameters, we find that DUNE can feel Earth’s matter at more than 2$\sigma$ confidence level. The relative 1$\sigma$ precision in...
We explore the implementation of a discrete symmetry, A4 modular symmetry, in linear seesaw mechanism by limiting the utilization of flavon fields. Linear seesaw is acknowledged by broadening the standard model (SM) particle content with three right-handed neutrinos and three sterile neutrinos alongside minimal usage of flavon fields. Here, Yukawa couplings are assigned the modular weight...
We attempt to resolve long standing experimental anomalies, namely the MiniBooNE low-energy excess, anomalous magnetic moment of the muon and the excess of K-Long decays observed at KOTO, in the context of a UV complete neutrino mass model that couples to a dark sector. With a GeV scale Z' and MeV scale HNLs, we show that the interplay of vector, neutrino and scalar portals can simultaneously...
The KArlsruhe TRItium Neutrino (KATRIN) experiment aims to determine the mass of the electron antineutrino with a sensitivity of 0.2 eV/c² (90% C.L.) in a model-independent approach. The integral β-spectrum is measured in an energy region close to 18.6 keV with an electromagnetic spectrometer (MAC-E filter) at the heart of a 70 m long setup.
The energy resolution of the spectrometer is...
Two essential conceptual structures - geometric representation of Clifford algebra wavefunctions and quantized impedances of wavefunction interactions - are absent from theorists' toolkits. Their synthesis offers complementary Standard Model perspectives, focusing not on Lagrangian flow of energy and information between kinetic and potential, but rather what governs amplitude and phase of that...
The purpose of the JSNS$^{2}$ experiment is to search for sterile neutrinos with Δm$^{2}$ near 1eV$^{2}$. A 3 GeV J-PARC proton beam incident on a mercury target produces an intense neutrino beam from muon decay at rest. which oscillate to anti-electron neutrinos. The JSNS$^{2}$ detector is located at 24 m baseline from the target. The detector has a fiducial volume of 17 tons filled...
The accelerator neutrino experiments LSND and MiniBooNE both detected an excess of electron-like events at a short-baseline, anomalous with the standard three-neutrino oscillation picture. These results indicate the possibility of new eV-scale sterile neutrinos, but also may be an artifact of the poorly understood interactions between neutrinos and heavy nuclei. The Short-Baseline Neutrino...
We discuss the analytical expression of the oscillation probabilities at low energy long baseline experiments,such as T2HK and T2HKK in the presence of nonstandard interactions (NSIs). We show that these experiments are advantageous to explore the NSI parameters($\epsilon_D$, $\epsilon_N$), which were suggested to be nonvanishing to account for the discrepancy between the solar neutrino and...
This poster summarizes which nuclear particles emit, absorb, and scatter with neutrinos in central engines of core collapse supernovae. Our numerical simulations show that neutrino interactions with nucleons and nuclei have great impacts on the results of supernova simulations. Before the core-bounce, neutron-rich heavy nuclei like Zn$^{80}$ are dominant at the center of collapsing cores and...
The long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments rely on models of neutrino interactions on nuclei. These models constitute an important source of systematic uncertainty, driven in part because detectors to date have been blind to the neutrons produced in neutrino interactions. We are proposing a 3D-projection scintillator tracker as a near detector component in the next generation...
The System for on-Axis Neutrino Detection (SAND) is a reference detector in the Near Detector complex of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE). It is composed of a 3-Dimensional Projection Scintillator Tracker (3DST), surrounded by a low-density tracker, an ECAL and a Magnet used for the KLOE experiment. This system aims at detecting all final-state particles including neutrons from...
The CUPID-Mo experiment, currently taking data at the Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane (France), is a demonstrator for a next-generation upgrade of the first ton-scale cryogenic $0\nu\beta\beta$-search, CUORE. The experiment is probing $0\nu\beta\beta$ of $^{100}$Mo with an array of 20 enriched 0.2 kg Li$_2$MoO$_4$ crystals and Ge light detectors allowing to distinguish $\alpha$ from...
The Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino (KATRIN) experiment aims to determine the effective neutrino mass with a sensitivity of $m_\nu=0.2$ eV/c$^2$ (90% C.L.) using electrons from the tritium beta-decay.
The beta-electrons decaying in the windowless gaseous tritium source (WGTS) are guided adiabatically to the spectrometers, where their energy is analyzed with a present filter width of 2.8 eV.
The LiquidO detection technique falls on the light confinement near its creation point by using an opaque liquid scintillator and on the light collection by a dense array of fibres. This technique enables highly efficient particle identification with the consequent event-by-event topological discrimination power, including positron, electron and gamma events. With the potential background...
The JSNS2 experiment will search for neutrino oscillations with ∆m2 ' 1 eV2 from ¯νµ to ¯νe, detected via the IBD reaction and tagged via gammas from neutron capture on Gadolinium. A 3 GeV 1 MW proton beam incident on a mercury target at the MLF at J-PARC produces an intense neutrino flux from mu-DAR. The JSNS2 experiment consists of a 50 tons liquid scintillator detector, that is already...
This poster presents a novel covariance matrix method for performing multi-detector fits, which combines a Gaussian multivariate treatment of systematic uncertainties with a Poisson likelihood treatment of statistical uncertainties. In this method, systematic uncertainties encoded into a covariance matrix are utilised to solve for the optimal systematic pulls in each analysis bin, and these...
Recent analyses of the diffuse TeV-PeV neutrino flux highlight a tension between different IceCube data samples that suggests a two-component scenario rather than a single steep power-law. Such a tension is further strengthened once the latest ANTARES data are also taken into account. Remarkably, both experiments show an excess in the same energy range (40-200 TeV), whose origin could...
The artificial source of antineutrinos 144Ce-144Pr is one of the most promising for the sterile neutrino search experiments. We have produced a semiconductor $\beta$-spectrometer with a sensitive region thickness exceeding 9.6 mm that fully absorbs electrons with energy below 3 MeV. It was used for a precise measurement of the $\beta$-spectra of 144Ce-144Pr ground and excited state...
The majority of the background in the neutrino mass experiment KATRIN possibly originates from the ionization of Rydberg atoms within the main spectrometer volume. In Rydberg atoms one or more electrons have a high principal quantum number n resulting in a large orbital radius with long decay periods in the millisecond range. Once produced in radioactive processes in the inner surface of...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is an international project for neutrino physics searches, currently in its planning stages. DUNE will consist of two detectors exposed to the world’s most intense neutrino beam. The Near Detector will sample the beam near the production target, at Fermilab. The Far Detector, comprising four 10-kton LArTPC modules, will be installed 1300 km away,...
The KM3NeT-ORCA and its predecessor ANTARES are neutrino telescopes operating in the Mediterranean sea. While KM3NeT-ORCA is under construction, ANTARES has accumulated more than 10 years of data. ANTARES has successfully demonstrated detector technologies and analysis techniques for undersea neutrino detection ranging from energies of 20 GeV to tens of TeV. ORCA is specifically designed for...
Identifying the flavor of astrophysical neutrinos will be a challenge for both current and proposed next-generation neutrino experiments that will have improved sensitivity to the diffuse astrophysical flux of ultra-high energy neutrinos. In order to probe predicted mixing ratios of neutrino flavors, an experiment capable of unambiguously measuring a single flavor of the neutrino flux is...
Neutrinos play a key role in supernova explosions. When a massive star explodes, most of the gravitational binding energy released by the collapse of the core is carried away by neutrinos. In order to understand the mechanism of the supernova explosion and subsequent evolution of massive stars, we are going to discuss the neutrino transport appropriately to find the angular moment equations,...
We present a complete characterization of a small (9-liter) and mobile 6Li-doped pulse-shape-sensitive plastic scintillator antineutrino detector called SANDD (Segmented AntiNeutrino Directional Detector), constructed for the purpose of near-field reactor monitoring with sensitivity to antineutrino direction. A detailed Monte Carlo simulation code was developed and validated to model the...
Pulse-shape-discriminating plastic scintillator doped with Li-6, may lead the way to a next generation of reactor-antineutrino detectors --- with particle ID and position sensitivity enhanced by segmentation. This poster highlights the development of these features as the first step towards a Segmented AntiNeutrino Directional Detector (called SANDD). We constructed and tested a module of the...
The SBC collaboration is developing liquid argon filled scintillating bubble chambers with projected sensitivity to coherent elastic neutrino nucleus scattering (CE$\nu$NS) from reactor neutrinos. Nuclear recoil induced bubbles are detected by cameras and piezoelectric acoustic sensors; scintillation photons from recoil events and backgrounds, shifted to 175 nm by xenon doping, are...
We have searched for exotic neutrino-electron interactions that could be produced by a neutrino millicharge, magnetic moment or dark photons using solar neutrinos in the XMASS-I. No significant signals have been observed and upper limit of these constant values are estimated as preliminary. For the neutrino millicharge search, $5.4\times10^{-11}$e for all flavors of neutrino is obtained. We...
Dark matter searches have found until now no evidence for a WIMP candidate at the GeV-TeV scale.
Heavy sectors of physics beyond the Standard Model provide dark matter candidates at and above 10-100 TeV. Such heavy dark matter can be indirectly searched for in secluded scenarios,
which naturally evade the unitarity bound on the dark matter mass, and at the same time allow to reliably...
The RENO experiment has successfully measured $\theta_{13}$ using the disappearance of electron anti-neutrinos in three-flavor neutrino oscillations. We search for sterile neutrinos in four-flavor oscillation model using 2200 days of data collected by the RENO experiment. We have not seen any positive signal and obtain an excluded region of the oscillation parameters. We present an excluded...
The Surface Detector (SD) of the Pierre Auger Observatory is used to search for ultra-high-energy (UHE) neutrinos of all flavours, which have energies beyond 0.1 EeV. They induce extensive air showers (EASs) that are efficiently detected and well separated from those produced by UHE cosmic rays. Additionally, the SD's large aperture leads to a UHE neutrino sensitivity competitive to that of...
Neutrino decoherence can result from coupling between neutrinos and their environment, including quantum gravitational fluctuations in the structure of space-time, producing characteristic damping signatures in neutrino probability over large distances. Here we present a study of the phenomenology of neutrino decoherence in atmospheric and astrophysical neutrinos resulting from heuristic...
The mixing of three active neutrino flavors is parameterized by the unitary PMNS matrix. If there are more than three neutrino flavors and if the extra generations are heavy isosinglets, the effective 3 × 3 mixing matrix for the three active neutrinos will be non-unitary. We have analyzed the latest T2K and NOνA data with the hypothesis of non-unitary mixing of the active neutrinos. We found...
Deployment of the Radio Neutrino Observatory Greenland (RNO-G) is planned to start in 2020 at Summit Station, Greenland. In the next few years, thirty-five stations will be deployed and RNO-G will also act as a pathfinder for IceCube-Gen2. The aim is to detect astrophysical neutrinos at energies beyond the ones thus far observed. The deep positioned trigger (100 m depth) maximizes the...
The Project 8 experiment is designed to directly measure the electron neutrino mass using cyclotron radiation emission spectroscopy~(CRES).
Using the cyclotron frequency as a proxy for kinetic energy, the experiment aims to measure the tritium beta-decay electron endpoint spectrum trapped in 1 T magnetic field to reach neutrino mass sensitivity of 40 meV/c$^2$.
Following the successful...
By the observation of geo-neutrinos originating from radioactive isotopes in the Earth (238U,232Th), we can know the amount of radioactive isotopes and the radiogenic heat which governs the Earth dynamics.
Ocean Bottom Detector can observe geo-neutrinos from the mantle directly. Unlike existing other neutrino detectors, OBD detects neutrinos on the seafloor. Given that the oceanic crust is...
The neutrino mixing matrix is characterized by singular values and
contractions. The method of unitary dilation is introduced to extend
3-dimensional mixing matrices to a full unitary matrix. The minimal
dimension of such an extension is not arbitrary but depends on
singular values. It means that singular values encode information
about the number of additional neutrinos. Taking this...
AMoRE is an experiment to search for the neutrinoless double beta decay using Mo-100 based scintillation crystals and a cryogenic detection technique. Detection of both thermal and scintillation signals using metallic magnetic calorimeter (MMC) sensors provides high energy resolution and efficient particle discrimination. From AMoRE-pilot phase, we have understood the sources of backgrounds...
Current global constraints in neutrino mixing parameters translate to lax PMNS unitarity relations. In this work, we explore the lack of non-unitarity in the neutrino mixing matrix via the astrophysical neutrino flavor content in both standard paradigms, as well as those involving sterile neutrinos.
Astrophysical neutrino flavour composition is a sensitive tool to probe both non-unitarity...
For aboveground experiments, cosmic muons are common background sources. The ECHo experiment is designed for the determination of the effective electronneutrino-mass by the analysis of the endpoint region of the $^{163}$Ho EC spectrum. The fraction of events in the ROI below the $Q_{EC}$ value is of the order of $10^{-12}$. Thus, the background in that region requires a precise understanding...
The MicroBooNE detector was built with the investigation of the “low energy excess” (LEE) of electron neutrino and antineutrino charged current quasi-elastic events observed in the MiniBooNE experiment as one of its primary physics goals. One of the possible interpretations of the MiniBooNE LEE is that it is made up of neutrino-induced single-photon events. MicroBooNE is testing this...
NOvA is a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment using Fermilab’s 700 kW NuMI muon neutrino beam. It is composed of two detectors which are placed 809km apart and are functionally identical. NOvA studies muon (anti)neutrino disappearance and electron (anti)neutrino appearance and uses these observations to help resolve the mass hierarchy problem and constrain several neutrino...
Blazar hadronic models have been developed in the past decades as an alternative to leptonic ones. In hadronic models the gamma-ray emission is associated with synchrotron emission by protons, and/or secondary leptons produced in proton-photon interactions. Together with photons, hadronic emission models predict the emission of neutrinos that are therefore the smoking gun for acceleration of...
LEGEND is a new experimental program to search for neutrinoless double beta decay with high-purity germanium detectors enriched in the isotope 76Ge. Its first phase, currently under construction at Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, will reach a half-life sensitivity to this lepton-number violating process of ~10e27 yr by employing 200 kg of Ge crystals. A later phase, with 1000 kg of...
Neutrinos have played a key role in astrophysics, from the characterization of nuclear fusion processes in the Sun to the observation of supernova SN1987A and multiple extragalactic events. The Super-Kamiokande experiment has played a major part in these astrophysical studies by investigating low energy O(10)MeV neutrinos and currently exhibits the best sensitivity to the diffuse neutrino...
The GERDA experiment reached the most stringent limit for the neutrinoless double-beta decay in $^{76}$Ge, achieving a median sensitivity of $1.1\cdot 10^{26}$ years (90% C.L.) with a background index of $5.6^{+3.4}_{-2.4}\cdot10^{-4}$ cts/(keV kg yr). This low background was obtained by a combination of pulse shape discrimination and operating bare germanium detectors in an instrumented...
The precise knowledge of neutrino oscillation properties requires an accurate description of neutrino-nucleus interactions, constituting one of the largest source of current systematics. Accordingly, the development and implementation of sophisticated neutrino interaction models in the MonteCarlo event generators employed in neutrino oscillation experiments plays an essential role. In this...
Located at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, the XENON experiment aims at the direct detection of dark matter particles deploying a low-radioactivity detector based on dual-phase time projection chamber filled with liquid xenon.
The XENONnT upgrade is expected to be able to exclude spin-independent interactions above $2 \times 10^{-48}$ cm$^2$ for a 50 GeV/c$^2$ mass WIMP, assuming 20...
We investigate and quantify various measures of bipartite and tripartite entanglement in the context of two and three flavor neutrino oscillations. The bipartite entanglement is analogous to the entanglement swapping resulting from a beam splitter in quantum optics. For the three neutrino systems various measures of tripartite entanglement are explored. The significant result is that a...
The KATRIN (Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino) experiment investigates the energetic endpoint of the tritium beta-decay spectrum to determine the effective mass of the electron anti-neutrino. The high source luminosity of KATRIN allows to extend the physics reach from probing the neutrino mass to searching for sterile neutrinos.
To assess the signature of a keV-scale sterile neutrinos, the entire...
Signal sensor and readout cables are a fundamental component of rare event and ultrasensitive detectors. While possessing unique electrical and mechanical properties, flexible cables can be a significant contributor to the total detector background. Intrinsic contaminations of Th-232 and U-238 in commercially available flexible cables have been measured in the mBq/kg range, which can be...
CUORE is a cryogenic experiment located at the underground Gran Sasso National Laboratories in Italy, and is searching for the neutrinoless double beta decay of 130Te. CUORE operates 988 TeO2 crystals at a base temperature of ∼10mK, and is the first ton-scale and ultra-low background bolometric experiment ever realized for this aim.
Different phenomena contribute to the CUORE energy spectra,...