FNAL: V. Grzelak, A. Klebaner, L. Kokoska, J. Ozelis, A. Rowe, J. Steimel
CEA: S. Arsenyev, H. Jenhani, C. Marchand, O. Napoly, C. Simon
- LB650 SSA specifications
- Action: Jim will update the SSA specifications document EN04282 to match the cavity voltages specified in the SRF Cavity Parameters PRD ED10221 (for LB650, 11.9 MV instead of 11.79 MV energy gain).
- The 10% and 5% margins in gradient have different purposes and will remain mentioned separately.
- RF distribution at CEA-Saclay (based on Hassen’s presentation in attachment)
- Dual directional couplers:
- Two dual directional couplers are needed for each cavity.
- Adding one dual directional coupler between the circulator and the load is an option to increase the field measurement accuracy
- Parameters presented by Hassen are acceptable, including a reduced directivity (cf. presentation).
- Circulators:
- 6 MHz bandwidth is acceptable
- Arc detector is included
- The circulator must withstand a transient phase with 4 times maximum forward power through the circulator. (to be clarified: is it a matter of isolation of the cavity, or a matter of circulator robustness ? Is it a transient phase or a permanent SW mode of operation ? ON)
- Action: FNAL will communicate the procurement specifications of the circulators and of the directional couplers to be procured for the HB65 pCM RF teststand.
- It is agreed that CEA will submit their specifications to FNAL before launching the procurement.
- SSAs:
- Class AB is recommended.
- GDR and SEL modes of RF testing have been re-discussed. LLRF needs are to be clarified in a later meeting.
- Action: CEA and FNAL will check if an analog LLRF is able to lock to the mode frequency with a Qext factor higher that for ESS (numbers ? ON).
- RF calibration will be discussed during the regular CEA-FNAL meetings dealing with ‘RF Test Plan’.