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30 July 2022 to 6 August 2022
Cliff Lodge
US/Mountain timezone

ESS linac overall status and normal-conducting linac commissioning

2 Aug 2022, 15:00
Wasatch A

Wasatch A

Talk WG3: Accelerator Physics WG3: Accelerator Physics


Dr Ryoichi Miyamoto (ESS)


The European Spallation Source (ESS), currently under construction in Lund, Sweden, will be the brightest spallation neutron source in the world, when its driving superconducting proton linac achieves the design power of 5 MW at 2 GeV. Such a high power linac requires production, efficient acceleration, and almost no-loss transport of a high current beam (62.5 mA), thus making its design and beam commissioning challenging. Beam commissioning for the normal-conducting part of the linac is ongoing in stages. In 2022, the beam was accelerated up to the first tank of the five-tank drift-tube linac. This presentation provides a brief summary of the ESS linac project and presents highlights from ongoing beam commissioning.

Attendance type Virtual presentation

Primary authors

Natalia Milas (European Spallation Source) Dr Ryoichi Miyamoto (ESS)

Presentation materials