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30 July 2022 to 6 August 2022
Cliff Lodge
US/Mountain timezone

An Upgrade Path for the Fermilab Accelerator Complex

2 Aug 2022, 15:30
Wasatch A

Wasatch A

Talk WG3: Accelerator Physics WG3: Accelerator Physics


Jeffrey Eldred (Fermilab)


The PIP-II and DUNE/LBNF projects will constitute a 1.2 MW long-baseline neutrino facility at Fermilab. The DUNE/LBNF Phase II calls for a 2.4 MW proton power upgrade, and this talk will outline one compelling path towards achieving that benchmark and also provides a robust experimental program at other energies. The proposed facility include a CW-capable 2GeV linac, a 2 GeV 0.5-2 MW pulsed proton ring, a 0.75-1 MW 8 GeV pulsed program, and a path to a 4 MW upgrade of DUNE/LBNF. Opportunities for neutrino and muon programs will be highlighted.

Attendance type Virtual presentation

Primary author

Jeffrey Eldred (Fermilab)

Presentation materials