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30 July 2022 to 6 August 2022
Cliff Lodge
US/Mountain timezone

Modular symmetries and the flavor problem

4 Aug 2022, 11:50
Magpie B

Magpie B

Talk WG5: Beyond PMNS WG5: Beyond PMNS


Davide Meloni


The “flavor problem” represents one of the greatest challenges of particle model building since SM does not provide neither “a priori” explanation of the number of fermion generations nor on their mass and mixing patters, which appear to be very different in the lepton and quark sector. Discrete non-abelian symmetries have gathered a lot of attention as candidates for the solutions of the latter problems. In this talk, I will revise the latest results achieved by Modular Symmetries in the description of fermion masses and mixings, showing that this recently proposed framework is particularly suitable for a unified description of leptons and quarks.

Attendance type Virtual presentation

Primary author

Presentation materials