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30 July 2022 to 6 August 2022
Cliff Lodge
US/Mountain timezone

3D visualization of astronomy data using virtual reality

5 Aug 2022, 12:15
White Pine

White Pine



Gilles Ferrand


Visualization is an essential part of research, both to explore one’s data and to communicate one’s findings with others. Many data products in astronomy come in the form of multi-dimensional cubes, and since our brains are tuned for recognition in the 3D world, we ought to display and manipulate these in 3D space. This is possible with virtual reality (VR) devices.

Drawing from our experience developing immersive and interactive 3D experiences from actual science data at the Astrophysical Big Bang Laboratory (ABBL), I will give an overview of the opportunities and challenges that are awaiting astrophysicists in the burgeoning VR space. I will cover both software and hardware matters, as well as practical aspects for a successful delivery to the public.

Attendance type Virtual presentation

Primary author

Presentation materials