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21–24 Mar 2023
Fermilab & Argonne
America/Chicago timezone

DUNE Neutrino Event Generators

22 Mar 2023, 16:35
Ramsey Auditorium (Wilson Hall) (Fermilab)

Ramsey Auditorium (Wilson Hall)


Fermilab open session Open Session for remarks


Joshua Isaacson (FNAL)


The DUNE collaboration found that the current theoretical uncertainty on neutrino cross sections and modeling of final states would substantially degrade the sensitivity to CP violation and the mass hierarchy in their measurements. Currently, the uncertainties are estimated to be between 5 and 10%. Disagreements between event generator predictions are even larger. We will discuss the need for the continued development of neutrino event generators and nuclear theory calculations for the success of DUNE.

Do you describe your self as early career? yes
Please select if remarks will be in person or on zoom In person
Please add details of experiment/project that this abstract corresponds to? DUNE

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