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Joint AF-EF Meeting on Future coliders : Day 1

Dmitri Denisov (Fermilab), Meenakshi Narain (Brown University), Vladimir Shiltsev (FNAL)

The Snowmass’2021 process is intended to bring the HEP community together to synthesize a path forward toward new physics

The Snowmass 2021 Accelerator Frontier and Energy Frontier groups are planning two meetings to discuss various machines to be considered for accelerator and physics studies during the Snowmass process. The first session is focused nominally on updating mature designs and the second on off-mainstream concepts. The talks will be presented by accelerator experts and will include brief introduction of a machine, table with a range of machine parameters and Q&A time.

First session starting at 10:00am EST on June 24th, Wednesday, will concentrate on established future colliders options. Second session starting at 10:00am EST on July 1st, Wednesday, will be devoted to future machines which are currently at the initial stages of development. Both sessions are expected to last 3 hours.

Zoom info: Accelerator Frontier joint session with Energy Frontier

Meeting ID: 946 2746 5309

Password: 725108

Vladimir Shiltsev