The tensions between exclusive and inclusive determinations of the CKM matrix elements $|V_{ub}|$ and $|V_{cb}|$ are still present and remain unexplained. Forthcoming precise measurements of b-hadron decays, combined with new lattice calculations and new theoretical developments, have the potential to clarify this situation and to strengthen constraints on physics beyond the Standard Model in the quark flavor sector.
The goal of this workshop is to discuss different analysis strategies, to identify possible bottlenecks in theory and experiments, and to discuss the prospects for novel theoretical approaches and novel measurements. This meeting is part of a series of events in the context of Snowmass 2021, and is organized jointly by the topical groups RF1: Weak decays of b and c quarks, TF05: Lattice gauge theory, and TF06: Theory techniques for precision physics.
If you plan to participate, please register below. The Zoom link will be sent to registered participants.
Workshop recordings: