Please read these instructions before posting any event on Fermilab Indico

Indico will be down for maintenance on Thursday, May 16th from 6:00PM - 8:00PM CST.

LBNF/DUNE-UK Project meeting at Daresbury Lab

Abigail Waldron, Andrew Blake, Andrew Blake (Lancaster University), Dominic Brailsford (Lancaster University), Gary Barker (University of Warwick), Gerard Bell (STFC), Jaroslaw Nowak (Lancaster University), Justin Evans (University of Manchester), Morgan Wascko (Imperial College London), Simon Peeters (University of Sussex)

This will be an in-person LBNF/DUNE UK meeting from Monday 4th  July to Tuesday 5th July 2022

All sessions will be in Lecture (Merrison) Theatre, A Block (160,VC)

Dinner: We will not be able to organise dinner for the collaboration this time.

Day 1: Factory Tour,  overall and subprojects reports and WP2 (DAQ) talks

Day 2: WP1 (Physics) and WP3 (APA) talks


The Agenda is still in preparation, so check reguraly for any updates.

Join Zoom Meeting: