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LBNF/DUNE Interface meeting

E&O Room (SURF)

E&O Room


Dimitar MLADENOV (CERN), Douglas Pelletier (Fermilab), Elaine McCluskey (Fermilab), Jack Fowler (Duke University), Jolie Macier (Fermilab), Joshua Willhite (Fermilab), Marzio Nessi (CERN)

Please register for this meeting at
Registration is for both ITF Workshop and Interface meeting.

Zoom 9196602562

ITF and Installation Workshop, Oct. 29-31

NOTE: EU TIME CHANGE - Oct. 28. Please mark your calendars accordingly.


  • Thursday, 1 November
    • Current Status of FSCF
      • 1
        Status of Pre-excavation and excavation work and plans
        Speakers: Mr Douglas Pelletier (Fermilab), Elaine McCluskey (Fermilab)
      • 2
        LBNF N2 System plans
        Speaker: David Montanari (Fermilab)
    • Status update of LBNF/DUNE interfaces
      Convener: Jack Fowler (Duke University)
      • 3
        Virtual tour of underground and surface - what has changed since 30%
        Speakers: Jack Fowler (Duke University), Justin Freitag (FNAL)
      • 4
        Plans for stair and egress in two cavern installation sequence
      • 5
        Update on transportation of materials through drifts - what types of equipement is provided by SURF and others
        Speakers: Dimitar MLADENOV (CERN), James Stewart (BNL), Mr Joshua Willhite (Fermilab), Mr William Miller (University of Minnesota)
      • 10:20
      • 6
        Routing of cryopiping in crown or along drift walls (request from ARUP to ease route of utilities)
        Speakers: David Montanari (Fermilab), Jack Fowler (Duke University), Justin Freitag (FNAL)
      • 7
        Review electrical power requirements and lighting
        Speakers: Dimitar MLADENOV (CERN), Jack Fowler (Duke University)
      • 8
        Update on north cavern bridge design - thoughts on what is needed in south cavern
        Speakers: James Stewart (BNL), Prof. Marzio Nessi (CERN), Mr William Miller (University of Minnesota)
      • 11:55
      • 9
      • 10
        Update on cooling water supply and needs
      • 11
        Plans to use exhaust ducting to reduce condensate under the cryostat
        Speakers: David Montanari (Fermilab), Jack Fowler (Duke University), Prof. Marzio Nessi (CERN)
      • 12
        Update on cavern floor loading interface
        Speaker: Dimitar MLADENOV (CERN)
      • 13
        Drift optimization, blast door location and door types
      • 14
        Supports for and routing of cables and piping from caverns to CUC
        Speakers: David Montanari (Fermilab), Jack Fowler (Duke University), Justin Freitag (FNAL)
      • 15
        Use and availability of underground maintenance shop
        Speakers: Jack Fowler (Duke University), James Stewart (BNL), Prof. Marzio Nessi (CERN), Mr William Miller (University of Minnesota)
    • Integration of detector and cryogenic safety systems into FSCF BMS system
  • Friday, 2 November
    • Configuration management and document control
      • 20
        Responsibilities and various tools used
        Speakers: Jack Fowler (Duke University), Prof. Marzio Nessi (CERN)
      • 21
        Document naming conventions
        Speakers: Jack Fowler (Duke University), Prof. Marzio Nessi (CERN)
      • 22
        Document storage and approval
        Speakers: Jack Fowler (Duke University), Prof. Marzio Nessi (CERN)