Radiation Effects in Superconducting Magnet Materials (RESMM'12)

Hornet's Nest, Wilson Hall, 8th floor, X-over (Fermilab)

Hornet's Nest, Wilson Hall, 8th floor, X-over


Nikolai Mokhov (Fermilab), Toru Ogitsu (KEK)

Focus on establishing radiation damage limits and design of large superconducting systems, primarily for the Mu2e and Comet experiments, but also for ITER, LHC, FRIB and muon collider magnets, covering three major topics:

  - Design of superconducting magnets for high radiation environment.
  - Modeling of radiation effects in magnets and material response.
  - Benchmarking experiments.

Organizing Committe:

Michael Eisterer (ATI)
Rene Flukiger (CERN)
Mike Lamm (FNAL)
Nikolai Mokhov (co-chair, FNAL)
Tatsushi Nakamoto (KEK)
Hiroshi Nakashima (JAEA)
Koji Niita (RIST)
Toru Ogitsu (co-chair, KEK)
Al Zeller (FRIB)
Margie Bruce (Meeting secretary, FNAL)

Registration: WH8X, Feb. 13 (9:30-12:00, 13:00-16:00), Feb. 14 (8:00-12:30)

Extended abstract (1 page) submission: by Feb. 7 on this page or via e-mail to mokhov@fnal.gov and ogitsu@post.kek.jp

Presentation upload: on this page, not later than 1/2-day before the talk